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Английский для экономистов.doc
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1. Are the following statements true or false?

1. The culture of a company is very influential in its daily activity.

2. Corporate culture doesn’t include moral, social, and behavioral norms of the organization.

3. There are four levels of a corporate culture.

4. At the deepest level culture is manifested through the beliefs and values.

5. Strong corporate cultures don’t value the importance of people.

6. The founders of an organization set the tone for the beginning stage of what a company’s culture will be.

7. Ethics isn’t a major factor in the development of a corporate culture.

8. Communication affects the strength or weakness of a culture.


2. Complete the table by filling the correct forms.











3. Complete the sentences with the nouns and verbs from ex.2.

1. ______ affects the strength or weakness of a culture.

2. He is one of the most ______ figures in our company.

3. Her position in the company has ______ in recent weeks.

4. You will have to work hard if you are to _____ .

5. It is essential that management ______ the accomplishments as well as the failures of the departments of the organization.

6. Corporate culture encompasses moral, social, and ______ norms of the organization based on the values, beliefs, attitudes, and priorities of its members.

7. Several companies are ______ for the contract.

8. Does she have any ______ experience?

4. Choose the best phrase from a- g to fill in gaps 1-7, to complete the text.

Planning, leading, organizing, and controlling are functions that are 1_____ or weakness of a culture. If leadership focuses on not only the well being of the organization but 2_______, this will encourage full participation from its members. Corporate cultures affect the internal and 3______ of a company on a daily basis. The culture creates the environment that sets the mode for 4______ of an organization. A culture may be strong or it may be weak; 5_______ share a common goal and have a positive environment. Fierce competition, favoritism, and weak communication create 6_____, thus allowing the breakdown of a culture. In either situation, it affects the total 7______ and its members.

A external activities

B its members as well

C strong cultures

D affected by the strength

E weak environments

F performance of the organizations

G the total practices

5. Fill in the correct words from the list below.

Culture, contribute, executive, workplace, defining, strengths, employees

Organizational culture is the … environment formulated from the interaction of the … in the workplace. Organizational … is defined by all of the life experiences, …, weaknesses, education, upbringing, and so forth of the employees. While … leaders play a large role in … organizational culture by their actions and leadership, all employees … to the organizational culture.

Grammar in Use

Expressing cause/reason and result

6. Look and learn.

  • We use due to, because of, owing to, on account of, because, as, since, etc. to express the reason why something is happening.

e.g. She retired early on account of ill health.

  • We use so, therefore, as a result, consequently to express the result of something which has happened.

e.g. As a result, he failed his exams.

7. Join the following sentences in every possible way.

1. I don’t complain. People think I am satisfied.

2. Many cosmetic companies have stopped testing their products on animals. There has been pressure from animal rights groups.

3. He made one big mistake. He lost his job.

4. There were a number of changes to make. The company put back the introduction of its new product line.

5. Payment was received two weeks after it was due. You will be charged a late fee.

6. He is busy. I can make temperature tests.

7. There is still much to discuss. We shall return to this item at our next meeting.

8. You were out. I left a message.

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