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Future Continuous in the Past

1. Future Continuous in the Past виражає дію, яка мала тривати у майбутньому з точки зору минулого, і вживається переважно у підрядних додаткових реченнях, коли в головному реченні дієслово-присудок вжито у минулому часі:

He felt sure they would be

discussing the same problem when

he came.

Він був упевнений, що вони ще будуть обговорювати ту ж саму проблему, коли він прийде.

2. Всі форми Future Continuous in the Past утворюються так само, як і форми Future Continuous, але замість will вживається відповідно would:

I. Заповніть пропущену частину речення дієсловом am, is або are.

1. Mr. Wilson is talking to visitors right now.

2. I am sitting at my desk right at this moment.

3. Miss Peters .......... helping me with a report now.

4. We .......... working on the report right now.

5. I .......... looking around the office at this moment.

6. The people ..............listening to Mr. Wilson carefully.

7. He ...............telling the people about our methods.

8. Someone ............. talking to Miss Stewart right now.

9. She ............ talking and writing at the same time.

10. Everyone ......... working very hard right now.

11. Some people ........... studying important papers now.

12. Smith and Green ........................ collecting information now.

13. The men ....................... fixing the floor in the hall right now.

14. They ........ also making much noise at this moment.

II. Дієслова в дужках використайте в Present Continuous Tense.

1. (work) He is working on a report right now.

2. (study) We are studying some important papers.

3. (help) She ................... me with the report now.

4. (sit) The men ................. at their desks now.

5. (write) The two girls ........................letters now.

6. (work) Everyone .............. very hard right now.

7. (watch) I ............. my boss and the visitors.

8. (listen) They............. to Mr. Wilson carefully.

9. (talk) Someone............. to Miss Stewart now.

10. (dictate) Mr. Adams ............... letters right now.

11. (collect) Smith and Green ............... information.

12. (talk) (write) She ...... and ............... at the same time.

13. (talk) (laugh) The men .......and ..................... right now.

III. Дайте відповіді на запитання, використовуючи словосполучення в дужках.

Are you copying the words? (write a dictation)

No, I am writing a dictation.

1. Is she doing her homework? (watch television)

2. Are you reading Byron's poems? (learn them by heart)

3. Is John smoking in his study? (read a newspaper)

4. Are they listening to the radio? (talk with a friend)

5. Are you hurrying to the theatre? (go home)

6. Is Joan playing the piano? (listen to a concert)

7. Are you working on your essay? (write a story)

8. Is she washing up? (do the cooking)

What are you doing in there, Jim? (copy a poem)

I'm copying a poem.

1. Why is Bob making so terrible noise? (play football)

2. What are you doing with the scissors? (cut out a dress)

3. Where are you hurrying to? (run to the theatre)

4. What are you doing in the shop? (buy a pair of shoes)

5. Why are you leaving so soon? (go to the University)

6. Why is she playing the violin so late? (rehearse for the concert)

7. Why are the children listening so attentively? (listen to an interesting poem)

8. What is Tom doing in the kitchen? (cook supper)

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