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III. Дієслова в дужках напишіть у Present Perfect Tense. Використайте таблицю неправильних дієслів.

1. We (see) that movie. We have seen that movie.

2. He (have) his lunch already. He has had his lunch already.

3. I (be, never) there before. I have never been there.

4. Richard (take) three different courses in English. 5. Miss Peters (fly) in an airplane only two other times. 6. The two girls (do, already) the dinner dishes. 7. I'm sorry. I (forget) the name of that new song. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Garcia (be) in this city for six months. 9. We (know) Mr. and Mrs. Smith for over twelve years. 10. I (fall) on these steep steps several times this week. 11. I think Mr. Harris (have, already) his lunch. 12. I (read, already) his letter and (write) a reply to him. 13. Carol and Martha (have) lots of practice in English so far. 14. We (see, already) Mr. Duncan and (speak) to him about that.

IV. Замініть стверджувальну форму речення питальною.

1. Mr. Green has quit his job. Has Mr. Green quit his job?

2. We have already done that lesson. Have we already done that lesson?

3. John has already given his homework to Mr. Harris. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Burke have heard the good news. 5. Betty has copied all of the new words from the blackboard. 6. The students have already studied that lesson. 7. Your English has improved very much since September. 8. Those men have done their share of the work. 9. The director has mentioned his plan to the committee. 10. The weather has been very bad this past week. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Slater have taken good care or their car. 12. We have heard that radio program several times. 13. My friend Tom has always enjoyed that kind of work. 14. There have been some bad storms in this area recently.

V. Замініть стверджувальну форму речення заперечною.

1. We have seen that movie. We haven't seen that movie.

2. Frank has taken that course. Frank hasn't taken that course.

3. The students have written the last two lessons. 4. Miss Peters has finished those letters for Mr. Johnson. 5. Mr. Harris and Mr. Moore have eaten lunch. 6. That student has had much practice in conversation. 7. Mr. Moore has explained that part of the lesson. 8. Our friends have decided on a name for their baby. 9. My boss has hired some new workers in the past week. 10. We have discussed that part of the lesson very thoroughly. 11. Mr. Benson and his wife have been here since last August. 12. Tom’s sister has told her parents about her plan. 13. There have been some bad storms in this area recently. 14. We've repaired the hole in the roof of our house. 15. Mr. Smith has said something to Mr. Fox about that problem.

VI. Напишіть дієслова в дужках у Present Perfect, використовуючи таблицю неправильних дієслів.

1. Mr. Harris has taught English at this school for five years.

2. I (write) three or four letters to that company. 3. The students in this class (do) those two lessons already. 4. I (know) Professor Moore for more than twelve years. 5. Richard (take) three courses in English at this school. 6. These steps are dangerous. I (fall) on them several times recently. 7. Mr. Kramer (be) in the United States for three years. 8. The janitor (shut, already) the back door. 9. The students (read) all of the stories in that book. 10. Marjorie (choose) a pretty dress for the party. 11. I (speak) to my boss about the problem several times. 12. That tree (grow) at least five feet since last year. 13. Miss King (spend) over eighteen hundred dollars since May. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (buy) a new house in North Plains. 15. The real estate agent (sell) the Smith's old house. 16. Charles (have) a bad cold for a whole week. I'm sorry. 17. I (forget) the name of that book. 18. We (hear, already) that new song several times. 19. Mr. Wilson isn't here. He (go) out of town for the weekend. 20. Mr. Kennedy (wear) his blue suit to the office only twice. 21. I (sit) in this same seat since the first day of classes. 22. The money isn't in this drawer. Someone (steal) it! 23. Up to now, I (understand) every lesson in the book. 24. We (have) absolutely no trouble with our car so far. 25. No one (find) that girl's purse and gloves yet. 26. The weather (be) very warm ever since last Thursday. 27. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brown (have) lunch already. 28. I (see) the Empire State Building hundreds of times. 29. We (speak, already) to the director and (give) him the message. 30. Grandmother (fly, never) in an airplane before. 31. You (tear) your shirt! There's a hole in the left sleeve. 32. I (read, already) the customer's letter and (write) a reply to him.

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