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V. Дайте відповіді на запитання в Present Continuous Perfect, починаючи зі слова because.

Why are you so dirty? (dig potatoes in the garden)

Because I have been digging potatoes in the garden.

1. Why are her eyes red? (cry)

2. Why are you so angry? (quarrel with Maxim)

3. Why haven't they had time to call on us? (arrange their journey)

4. Why is his mouth blue? (eat bilberries)

5. How did she learn to speak English so well? (live in England)

6. Why is Adna's coat wet? (walk in the rain)

7. Why do you know nothing about Helen's marriage? (travel)

8. Why haven't you left the room during the break? (discuss the new play)

VI. Запропоновані дієслова напишіть у Past Perfect Continuous.

1 dig 2 not do 3 wait 4 deal

A.: I had a terrible backache last week.

B.: Oh, dear. What had you been doing?

A.: I 1_____ the garden. It was on Sunday afternoon.

B.: I 2_____ it long when I felt a pain in my back. It was steel aching the next day. When I finally got to see the doctor, I 3_____ over an hour. He was late. He 4 _____ with an emergency. But he was able to help me. It’s much better now.

VII. Дайте відповіді на запитання за зразком.

Did it rain yesterday?

Yes, it did.

How long had it been raining yesterday? (for an hour)

It had been raining for an hour.

1. Did she work at the University before she retired? How long had she been working there before she retired? (for 25 years)

2. Did you stay at the hotel when you were in Minsk? How long have you been living there when Jane arrived? (for a fortnight)

3. Did they study French before they went to France? How long had they been studying it before they went there? (for 5 years)

4. Did they work on their book last year? How long had they been working on it before they sent it to the publishing house? (for 2 years)

5. Did you play chess yesterday? How long had you been playing chess before you took part in the chess tournament for the first time? (for 6 years)

6. Did he listen to that record yesterday? How long had he been listening to it before he could understand all the words? (for an hour)

7. Did she work at the language laboratory last week? How long had she been working there before she could speak English fluently? (three years)

VIII. Допишіть речення.

1. For the last twenty years ... 2. They have been married since ... 3. Three hundred years ago ... 4. Since the beginning of the year ... 5. We have been watching him for ... 6. A few days ago ... 7. Since I found out that he was a thief... 8. At the modern Art Exhibition, a week ago ... 9. For thousands of years ... 10. Ever since I was a young girl...

IX. Заповніть речення дієсловами у відповідній часовій формі.

  1. Steve could hear shouts from the flat next door. His neighbours ___argue___.

  1. Lucy went into the living room. It was empty but the television was still warm. Someone ___watch___ it.

  1. I ___play___ tennis, so I had a shower. I was annoyed because I ___no win___ a single game.

  1. The walkers finally arrived at their destination. They ___walk___ all day, and they needed a rest. They ___walk___ thirty miles.

  1. When I saw Ben last week he said he ___stop___ smoking. But when I saw him two days later he ___smoke___ a cigarette. He took the cigarette from his mouth and looked rather ashamed.

  1. Harry found a note from Graham in Celia’s coat. That’s how Harry found out they ___have___ an affair. In fact they ___see___ each other for months. Graham’s wife ___know___ about it all the time.

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