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XVIII. Замініть стверджувальну форму речення питальною. Зверніть увагу на перші три приклади.

1. They finished the work. Did they finish the work?

2. They spoke to John. Did they speak to John?

3. They were in their office. Were they in their office?

4. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson visited their friends in Detroit. 5. The teacher told the students the answer to the question. 6. That movie about Wilson's life was interesting. 7. Mr. Harris explained the meaning of the word to her. 8. Those men from South America were at the meeting. 9. The students studied carefully for the examination. 10. The Wilsons sold their house at a low price. 11. The last lesson was very difficult for the students. 12. Their friends watched that television program last night. 13. The man read the instructions in the book very carefully. 14. There were many people at the party last Friday night.

XIX. Замініть стверджувальну форму речення заперечною. Зверніть увагу на перші три приклади.

1. He worked very hard. He didn't work very hard.

2. He drove very carefully. He didn't drive very carefully.

3. He was at the meeting. He wasn't at the meeting.

4. The secretary copied the names from the list carefully. 5. Alice ate lunch at the cafeteria with her friends. 6. The students were ready for the examination. 7. Mr. Harris taught at Eastern University last summer. 8. The teacher noticed the mistake in that sentence. 9. The last two lessons were very difficult for me. 10. The students brought their dictionaries to class yesterday. 11. The director agreed with his assistants on that matter. 12. There were many people in the audience last night. 13. Mr. Johnson prepared that report for Mr. Wilson. 14. Our friends went to the movies with us on Saturday night.

XX. Виберіть правильне дієслово в дужках.

1. (Was, were) you at the concert last night? 2. Last night we (eat, ate) dinner at seven o'clock. 3. What time (did, do) you get up yesterday? 4. We (find, found) a pearl necklace yesterday on the beach. 5. We usually (have, had) supper at half past seven. 6. She (sleep, slept) badly last night. 7. The farmer (sows, sowed) grain in March. 8. How many lectures on economics (have, had) you every week? 9. She (speaks, spoke) English well. 10. (Do, did) you read the newspaper yesterday? 11. The Ukrainian team (win, won) the last football match in May. 12. He (come, comes) to our library every morning. 13. They (know, knew) many funny jokes. 14. He (knows, knew) many poems when he was at school. 15. Harry (lend, lent) me his book last night.

XXI. Поставте запитання до речень, використовуючи питальні слова who, whom, where, when, how, how many, what, what time, how much...

1. She was here in the afternoon. 2. They went home by the first bus. 3. I understood the meaning of this letter. 4. I asked many people the way to the hospital. 5. We met a friend of yours last Sunday. 6. We walked home at about ten o'clock. 7. I saw our neighbours at the theatre last night. 8. We bought a very nice alarm clock yesterday. 9. Everybody looked at the picture. 10. I read the Daily News at breakfast yesterday. 11. There were about ten girls in our group last year. 12. Jim got a new bicycle on his birthday. 13. They found three mice in the cellar.

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