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I. Використайте Present Perfect Continuous дієслів у дужках.

1. Mr. Johnson (work) for that company for ten years.

Mr. Johnson has been working for that company for ten years.

2. I (listen) to the professor's comments very carefully.

I have been listening to the professor's comments very carefully.

3. Frank and Richard (work) on their English lessons all evening. 4. Those two fellows (study) English for six months now. 5. Helen and I (stand) right on this corner since five-thirty. 6. The children (watch) television programs since dinnertime. 7. It (rain) steadily since two o'clock this afternoon. 8. We (have) a great deal of trouble with our car recently. 9. Our teacher (avoid) that subject for a long time. 10. I'm getting tired. I (drive) this car since 8:00 a.m. 11. Mr. Wilson (consider) that possibility for quite a while now. 12. We (read) an average of 20 pages a day for three months. 13. I (wait) for a reply from that concern ever since February.

II. Якщо можливо, використайте виділені дієслова в Present Perfect Continuous.

1. The Harveys have lived in Miami for three years now.

The Harveys have been living in Miami for three years now.

2. I have studied English in this class for seven months. 3. Our guests have never seen the Statue of Liberty. 4. Father has felt very well ever since last winter. 5. Dorothy and I have waited for you for a whole hour. 6. Have you received a letter from that concern yet? 7. That woman has already talked on the phone for fifteen minutes. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Spiros have been here since the first of the year. 9. George Howell has worked for this company for nine years. 10. My friend has already spoken to Mr. Fox about the matter. 11. I have worked on my English assignment since eight o'clock. 12. We haven't seen Mr. and Mrs. Brown for a long time. 13. Our car has used too much gasoline and oil recently.

III. Дієслово в дужках напишіть у Present Perfect Continuous. Поставте загальні запитання до кожного речення.

Не has been writing a letter for two hours.

Has he been writing a letter for two hours?

1. Baby (sleep) since I came home. 2. I (listen) to the radio for the last half an hour.3. I (look) for this book ever since I heard about it. 4. He (write) this article for three hours. 5. The fire (burn) all night. 6. My cousin (stay) with us all the week-end. 7. My father (work) hard all his life. He's fifty now, and is still active. 8. We (wait) for mother since lunch. 9. She (bathe) in the lake for the last twenty minutes. 10. The guests (dance) since supper.

IV. Дайте відповіді на запитання, використовуючи вказівники часу в дужках.

How long have you been writing a letter? (since 2 o'clock)

I have been writing a letter since 2 o'clock.

  1. How long has the baby been crying? (all the morning)

2. How long have you been trying to get this book? (all through the week)

3. How long have you been discussing this problem? (for three hours)

4. How long has she been looking after her little sister? (since her mother fell ill)

5. How long has your son been watching television? (all through the evening)

6. How long has the fire been burning? (all the night)

7. How long has she been helping her mother about the house? (since her childhood)

8. How long has she been sleeping? (for hours)

9. How long has your brother been collecting postage stamps? (since he was in the fifth form)

10. How long has she been practicing the piano? (for the last two hours)

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