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VII. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. What have you seen at the Zoo? 2. What have you just said to your friend? 3. Have you seen a good play recently? 4. What have you brought this book for? 5. Have you seen anything interesting there? 6. Have you done any washing today? 7. Have you read many modern writers? 8. Have you ever been to Lviv? 9. Have you written down my telephone-number? 10. Have you heard this song? 11. Whom have you met today?

12. How long have you lived at your present address? 13. Have you ever eaten bananas? 14. Have you found her better?

VIII. Дайте стверджувальну відповідь на запитання, використовуючи дієслово в дужках.

Is his article ready? (write)

Yes, he has written it.

  1. Is her room clean? (do)

2. Is our dinner ready, Mother? (cook)

3. Does she know the poem? (learn)

4. Do you know this sort of pencil? (use)

5. Does he know how nice the cake is? (eat)

6. Do you know that your gloves are on the table? (find)

7. Is Bobby's face clean? (wash)

8. Do you know how beautiful these songs are? (hear)

IX. Дайте відповіді на запитання, використовуючи слова й словосполучення в дужках.

How long have you been in Kyiv? (for a year)

I've been there for a year.

  1. Where have they lived since last year? (London)

2. How long has she studied Spanish? (for a year)

3. What have the children eaten since dinner? (nothing)

4. How much have you done since yesterday? (everything)

5. What have you done since Saturday? (a lot)

6. How long has your nephew studied in England? (for two years)

7. How often have you seen her since that day? (twice)

8. How long have they been married? (for two years)

X. Виберіть правильну дієслівну форму.

Lynne Carter, the manager of the Timeways Travel company, is interviewing a young man called Paul Morris for a job.

Lynne: Your present company is Sun Travel, isn’t it? How long have you worked/did you work there?

Paul: Ive worked/I worked for them for two years.

Lynne: I see. And what were you doing before that?

Paul: I’ve worked/I worked for a student travel company in Spain.

Lynne: Oh, really? How long have you been/were you in Spain?

Paul: For nearly a year. I’ve moved/I moved back to London from Spain two years ago to join Sun Travel.

Lynne: I see. And do you drive, Paul?

Paul: Yes, I do. I’ve had/I had a driving license for five years.

Lynne: And have you got your own car?

Paul: No, not at the moment. I’ve had/I had the car in Spain, but I’ve sold/I sold it before Ive come/I come back to Britain.

XI. Заповніть речення дієсловами в Present Perfect або Past Indefinite.

  1. ‘I know Sally Robinson’. ‘Really? How long have you known (you/know) her?’ ‘Oh, for quite a long time now’. ‘When _____ (you/first/meet) her?’

  1. ‘_____ (your husband/ever/have) pneumonia?’ ‘Yes, he _____ (have) it twice. He _____ (have) it ten years ago, and once when he _____ (be) a child.’

  1. (It’s10 o’clock in the morning) ‘_____(you/see) Mrs. Carter this morning?’ ‘Yes, I _____ (see) her when I _____ (arrive) in the office, but she _____ (go) out soon afterwards.’

  1. (It’s the middle of the afternoon) I’m very hungry. I _____ (not/have) any breakfast this morning and I _____ (not/have) time to go out for anything to eat this afternoon.

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