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XIV. Утворіть Past Indefinite від запропонованих у дужках дієслів.

1. We (finish) the work yesterday. We finished the work yesterday.

2. Frank (borrow) some money from his friend last night. 3. Mr. Harris (explain) the lesson to us very carefully. 4. I (like) that movie about President Wilson's life. 5. That company (hire) twenty new workers last year. 6. The students (study) those two lessons yesterday. 7. Everyone (enjoy) the party very much last night. 8. The driver (stop) the bus very quickly. 9. The clerk (count) the money two or three times. 10. My friend (help) me with my homework that afternoon. 11. Mr. Berg (describe) his trip to us after class yesterday. 12. My sister (stay) in Europe for two and a half months. 13. All of the students (copy) the assignment carefully. 14. The secretary (omit) two or three names from the list.

XV. Користуючись таблицею неправильних дієслів, утворіть минулий час запропонованих дієслів. Зверніть увагу на зразок.

1. We (go) to a concert. We went to a concert.

2. He (bring) his friend. He brought his friend.

3. Frank (take) a course in French last year. 4. We (find) Miss Stewart's purse under a chair. 5. Mr. Berg (speak) to the teacher right after class. 6. Mr. Johnson (put) all of the papers in his briefcase. 7. You (make) several mistakes in the last exercise. 8. I (drink) two cups of coffee at breakfast today. 9. Mr. Harris (tell) the students the answer to the question. 10. Charles (leave) for California three days ago. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson (cell) their old house at a low price. 12. The Wilsons (build) a new house in North Plains. 13. All of the students (read) the assignment carefully. 14. We (eat) lunch at the cafeteria with our friends.

XVI. Дієслова в дужках використайте в минулому неозначеному часі.

1. They (sell) their house. They sold their house.

2. They (walk) to the corner. They walked to the corner.

3. We (listen) to that radio program last night. 4. Mr. Johnson (ride) downtown with his friend today. 5. The two men (carry) the furniture very carefully. 6. Professor Taylor (teach) a different class last year. 7. The students (practice) the new words after their class. 8. We (spend) two and a half weeks in Los Angeles. 9. Everyone in the audience (enjoy) the professor's speech. 10. Mr. Wilson (drive) his car to work this morning. 11. I (repeat) each new word four or five times. 12. The secretary (put) the dictionary beside the typewriter. 13. The rain (stop) in the middle of the afternoon. 14. The Browns (receive) a letter from them several days ago.

Xviі. Поставте дієслово в дужках у відповідній часовій формі.

1. I (want) to discuss this problem with you yesterday. 2. My name (appear) in the local newspaper last year. 3. He (work) in our office two years ago. 4. I (love) to go for a walk in the forest when I was on holiday. 5. That afternoon I (receive) an order to appear in the dean's office. 6. He (walk) home and (have) a good rest when his work was over. 7. I (enjoy) going to the theatre when I was in town. 8. He (try) to explain him this problem after the last meeting. 9. He (stay) at the Bristol Hotel last month. 10. Professor Ferris (live) in New York in 1995. 11. He (seem) very tired when I last saw him. 12. They (close) very early last night. 13. We (intend) to reconstruct this building during the last year. 14. We (thank) them for their kindness yesterday. 15. A dreadful accident (happen) in the power station last month.

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