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III. Перекажіть текст від III-ї особи однини. Зробіть необхідні зміни в реченнях.

In the morning I wake up and look at the clock near my bed. I get up quickly, open the window and switch on the radio. At half past seven I go to the bathroom and take a cold shower. Then I wash my face and hands with soap and clean my teeth. After that I dress. At a quarter to eight I sit down to breakfast. Then I switch off the radio, put on my coat and hat and leave for the office. I go to the bus stop and when my bus comes I get in. I finish work at four o'clock. After work I usually prefer to walk home to get some fresh air. When I come home I have dinner. After dinner I lie down and rest a little. I take a newspaper or a book and read.

IV. Напишіть речення у стверджувальній формі.

1. Do they live in France? 2. We don't work on Sunday. 3. Does a journalist write articles? 4. Do they read well? 5. We don't get vegetables on the market. 6. Does March come after February? 7. They don't stay at this hotel. 8. Do children like sweets? 9. Does our train get to London at eight? 10. The teacher doesn't write on the blackboard. 11. Do you send money home? 12. Does Sunday come after Saturday? 13. I don't hear you. 14. The clock doesn't strike twelve.

V. Заповніть пропущені місця в реченні дієсловами do або does.

1. Do the students study hard every day?

2. Does Mr. Brown go to his office every day?

3. ….. you want cream and sugar in your coffee ? 4. .…. the children go to bed very early? 5. ….. that girl come from South America? 6. ….. you know that Italian student? 7. ..… Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea? 8. ….. your English lessons seem very difficult? 9. …… you have a good English dictionary? 10. ..… Mr. Moore teach English or history? 11. …... the Johnsons watch television every night? 12. .…. Johnson and Wilson work in the same office? 13. ….. you write reports for your boss every day? 14. ..…. those two women understand that lesson?

VI. Впишіть don't або doesn't у пропущену частину речення.

1. We …… listen to the radio every night. 2. Mr. Johnson …… have a private office. 3. The boys …… study at the library every day. 4. These exercises ……. seem very difficult. 5. It …… rain very much in June and July. 6. The men …… always eat at that cafeteria. 7. I …… eat at that cafeteria every day. 8. Miss Peters ……… write reports for her boss. 9. The Wilsons …… watch television every night. 10. Smith and Green …… teach English at this school. 11. That tall man ………work for this company. 12. The people ……… speak English very well. 13. Mrs. Moore ……… go to the store every day. 14. Miss Graniero ……… enjoy that history class.

VII. Поставте запитання до підмета та присудка кожного речення.

We always go for a walk before night.

Who goes for a walk before night?

Do we always go for a walk before night?

1. Mother always cooks dinner. 2. We use many pencils. 3. Ann knows many foreign languages. 4. We often go for a walk before night. 5. He comes to his office very early. 6. He likes coffee very much. 7. Motoring makes her sleepy. 8. They sell many shoes. 9. It often rains in autumn. 10. He always asks many questions. 11. She thinks it is going to snow. 12. We get a lot of technical magazines. 13. He lends us many interesting books. 14. I switch off the radio in the evening. 15. You eat many oranges.

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