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IV. Поставте запитання до речень, використовуючи слова в дужках.

We are working in the garden. (Who)

Who is working in the garden?

1. The bus is going to Yalta. (Where..?)

2. I'm looking at the car. (What..?)

3. She's listening to the bird. (What..?)

4. We are thinking about the holidays. (What..?)

5. The boy is laughing at the dog's tricks. (What..?)

6. The man is running after the tram. (Who..?)

7. They are speaking about the new play. (What..?)

8. He is pointing at the picture. (What..?)

V. Заповніть речення. Дієслова в дужках поставте в Present Continuous.

‘Where are Ken and Kate?’

‘They’re waiting (wait) outside’.

  1. ‘_____ (Sally | have) a shower?’ ‘No, she _____ (wash) her hair.

  1. ‘You _____ (not | watch) the TV at the moment. Why don’t you switch it off?’

  1. ‘_____ (you | enjoy) yourself?’ ‘Yes, I _____ (have) a great time’.

  1. ‘What _____ (Maria | do) these days?’ ‘She _____ (study) English at a school in London’.

  1. ‘Ben and Patty are in London on holiday. They _____ (stay) at a small hotel near Hide Park’.

  1. ‘Prices _____ (rise) all the time. Everything _____ (get) more and more expensive’.

VI. Прочитайте діалог між Brian та Sarah. Дієслова в дужках поставте у відповідній часовій формі.

Sarah: Brian! How nice to see you! What ..… (you / do) these days?

Brian: I ..… (train ) to be a supermarket manager.

Sarah: Really? What's it like? ..… (you / enjoy) it?

Brian: It's all right. What's about you?

Sarah: Well, actually I ..… (not / work) at the moment.

I ….. (try) to find a job but it's not easy.

But I'm very busy. I ….. (decorate) my flat.

Brian: ..… (you / do) it alone?

Sarah: No, some friends of mine ..… (help) me.

VII. Заповніть речення дієсловами get, change, rise, fall, increase у відповідній часовій формі.

1. The population of the world is rising very fast. 2. Ken is still ill but he … better now. 3. The world … . Things never stay the same. 4. The cost of living … . Every year things are more expensive. 5. The economic situation is already very bad and it … worse.

VIII. Змініть речення, використовуючи форму to be going to.

I plan to start a long journey the day after tomorrow.

I am going to start a long journey the day after tomorrow.

1. I planned to go to the Newcastle but it suddenly started to rain. 2. I will stay at home tonight. 3. We intended to wait but we had to leave. 4. They will leave for America next month. 5. Mother will buy some strawberries for lunch. 6. I intended to call on you yesterday, but I fell ill. 7. We shall tell you all about it. 8. I feel there will be a change of weather. 9. I am afraid they will not help you much. 10. I intended to see his play but I was too busy to book tickets.

IX. Утворіть питальну форму конструкції to be going to. Зверніть увагу на зразок.

1. He is going to leave early. Is he going to leave early?

2. They are going to be there. Are they going to be there?

3. Bill Brown is going to eat lunch with us today. 4. Mr. Foster is going to quit his job with the Ajax Company. 5. All of the students are going to go to the lecture tonight. 6. You are going to accept his offer for a job with that company. 7. There is going to be a party here next Friday night. 8. His friends are going to leave here the day after tomorrow. 9. Professor Moore is going to explain that lesson to them. 10. We are going to watch that television program tonight. 11. Both Fred and Tom are going to be at the meeting tomorrow. 12. Mrs. Johnson is going to wear her new dress this evening. 13. Mr. Brown is going to take his vacation in August. 14. Frank's friends are going to go to the movies.

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