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VII. Змініть речення в Past Indefinite Passive, непрямий додаток перетворіть у підмет пасивної конструкції.

They showed me the house he lived in.

I was shown the house he lived in.

  1. Her father gave her a watch for her birthday. 2. Did they give him any instructions before he started the experiment? 3. Did they send you any photographs last weeks? 4. Did he show them how to do it? 5. They allowed her ten minutes to get ready. 6. Someone lent me two priceless volumes. 7. They asked us our names at the hotel. 8. My friend told me the news this morning. 9. Their friend recommended them a new doctor. 10. Did they offer him the job I told you?

VIII. Змініть речення в Passive Voice, використовуючи by де можливо.

Beethoven composed this piece.

This piece was composed by Beethoven.

1. Keats wrote this poem. 2. A car ran over our dog. 3. They did nothing until he came. 4. What questions did the examiner set? 5. The orchestra played that piece beautifully. 6. The fire destroyed many valuable paintings. 7. Lions attacked the travelers. 8. Did anybody ever teach you how to behave? 9. Did the noise frighten you? 10. Her beauty struck me deeply.

IХ. Напишіть речення у Future Indefinite Passive за зразком.

The fall will hurt him badly.

He will be badly hurt.

  1. Ben will look after the dog well. 2. They will hold a dance in the village club. 3. Ann will teach Richard to dance. 4. Kate will clean the room thoroughly after lunch. 5. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 6. I shall serve both tea and coffee. 7. People will enjoy this film all over the world. 8. They will allow each boy a second plate of ice-cream. 9. Someone will meet the visitors at the stations.

X. Дайте відповіді на запитання у Future Indefinite Passive, використовуючи словосполучення в дужках.

When will the new play be staged? (next month)

It will be staged next month.

1. When will the lecture on Byron be read? (next Monday)

2. When will the birthday cake be baked? (tomorrow)

3. When will the dinner be cooked? (in the morning)

4. When will the mail be brought? (soon)

5. When will the poem be recited? (at the party)

6. Where will he be sent to? (to London)

7. Where will the parcel be brought? (to the office)

8. Where will the child be sent in summer? (to a pioneer camp)

XI. Змініть речення в Present Continuous Passive.

The dentist is filling her tooth.

Her tooth is being filled.

1. The firemen are putting the fire out. 2. The hairdresser is cutting her hair. 3. They are trying a new medicine at the hospital. 4. The shops are selling hundreds of toys. 5. They are still asking questions about it. 6. People are reading his books all over the world. 7. Mother is showing my sister how to bath the baby. 8. Workmen are building a new road outside my house.

XII. Дайте відповіді на запитання в Present Continuous Passive, використовуючи слова в дужках.

Are they sending Fred abroad? (Thomas)

Oh no, Thomas is being sent.

1. Are they calling Jane? (John)

2. Is she making coffee? (tea)

3. Are they selling apples? (oranges)

4. Are they making a dress? (a shirt)

5. Is she writing an article? (letters)

6. Are you making a cake? (pies)

7. Are they watching a play? (a film)

8. Is she repairing a radiogram? (a tape-recorder)

ХIII. Дайте відповіді на запитання в Present Continuous Passive. Використовуйте there замість вказівників місця.

What's going on in the Assembly Hall?

A meeting is being held there.

1. What's going on in the room 15? (examine students)

2. What's going on in the yard? (plant trees)

3. What's going on in the hall? (rehearse a play)

4. What's going on in the garden? (make flower-bad)

5. What's going on in the kitchen? (make a birthday cake)

6. What's going on in the sitting-room? (watch a film)

7. What's going on in the dining-room? (lay the table )

8. What's going on in the school-yard? (play football)

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