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XXII. Перебудуйте речення в Present Indefinite, використовуючи слова в дужках.

І drank chocolate for breakfast yesterday. (usually)

I usually drink chocolate for breakfast.

1. I left my bag in the office yesterday. (often)

2. She didn't come home on Sunday. (sometimes)

3. Did he forget his fountain-pen yesterday? (always)

4. She sang this song at the party yesterday. (often)

5. The postman brought the registered letter when you were out. (usually)

6. The train started a few minutes past eight yesterday. (every day)

7. The girl sold the violets in the street last night. (often)

8. The teacher taught us many useful things last month. (always)

9. We liked to cook our food ourselves during the weekend. (seldom)

10. We went to visit our parents last week. (often)

11. She called on the Browns last week. (sometimes)

12. She was very sunburnt last summer. (never).

13. We made many excursions last year. (often)

XXIII. Напишіть речення у Future Indefinite.

I ( visit) my friend tomorrow afternoon.

I shall visit my friend tomorrow afternoon.

1. He (come) at two o'clock in the morning. 2. The new park (cover) a very great area. 3. We (know) the answer tomorrow. 4. I hope we (meet) him tonight. 5. When the thermometer is below zero water (freeze). 6. Miss Brown (make) a new list tonight. 7. We (ask) a policeman which road to take. 8. My wife (call) on you tomorrow. 9. I (have) my lunch at twelve o'clock. 10. He (be) here on Wednesday. 11. She (buy) her ticket the day after tomorrow. 12. We (go) for a long walk soon. 13. A lift (take) us to the top floor of the hotel. 14. I am afraid it (be) quite impossible. 15. You (have) a three months holiday this year.

XXIV. Використайте запропоновані в дужках дієслова в майбутньому часі. Зверніть увагу на зразок.

1. He (leave) early tomorrow. He will leave early tomorrow.

2. We (see) him next week. We will see him next week.

3. They (be) here in ten minutes. They will be here in ten minutes.

4. The meeting (begin) at nine o'clock tonight. 5. I (give) Mr. Brown your message tomorrow night. 6. Mr. Moore (read) that story to the students next Monday. 7. The janitor (lock) the door to the office at 6:30 p.m. 8. We (have) an important holiday two months from now. 9. The men (be) here at one-thirty this afternoon. 10. I (remind) Mr. Wilson of his appointment with you tonight. 11. Mr. Johnson's wife (buy) refreshments for the party. 12. All of the people (be) ready at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. 13. Mr. Pennyweight (return) to England a week from tomorrow. 14. Our friends (meet) us at the subway station at five o'clock.

XXV. Трансформуйте дієслово кожного речення в майбутній час, використовуючи will. Якщо необхідно, замініть обставину часу (напр., yesterday на tomorrow).

1. We ate lunch with John. We will eat lunch with John.

2. I returned and asked him. I will return and ask him.

3. John spoke to the director's secretary about that matter. 4. Charles went to the movies with his friends last night. 5. The Wilsons flew to Brazil and Argentina last year. 6. The clerk wrapped the package and gave her the change. 7. Our guests saw almost all of the city during their vacation. 8. The student wrote a description of his city for the teacher. 9. My friend Edward lent me the money a week ago. 10. Bill sold his camera to Fred and bought a new one. 11. They read that historical novel three weeks ago. 12. Mr. Johnson wore his new winter overcoat to work. 13. My secretary got to the office on time this morning. 14. We got up early and had our breakfast at 7:30.

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