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VIII. Поставте запитання, використовуючи запропоновані питальні слова.

She reads English newspapers every week. (how often)

How often does she read English newspapers?

1. She goes to Zacopane because she loves the mountains. (why)

2. They usually ask me the time. (what)

3. The 22 of December is the shortest day of winter. (which)

4. Diana likes listening music. (who)

5. He comes from Paris. (where)

6. You must copy this letter. (what)

7. That artist makes fine sketches. (what)

8. They go to the office every morning. (where)

9. My brother knows you. (who)

10. Robert's boat is white. (whose)

11. She cooks her supper every evening. (how often)

IX. Скажіть, чим ви зазвичай займаєтеся на уроках, лекціях та семінарах, і чим займається ваш сусід по парті. Використайте подані нижче словосполучення.

At the English lessons:

to read the text, to ask and answer questions, to write dictations, to learn new English words, to translate from Ukrainian into English, to listen to the tape, to repeat after the speaker, to imitate, to listen to the teacher, to write tests

At the Lecture:

to listen to the lecturer, to take notes, to write down, to put down, to ask questions

At the Seminar:

to make a report, to ask questions, to take part in the discussion, to clear up, to ask the teacher, to explain something, to write tests

X. Побудуйте речення із поданих нижче слів.

1. In, I, the, evening, classes, attend.

2. Shall, we, the, Institute, go, not, tomorrow, to.

3. Last, he, generally, for, year, was, late, the classes.

4. Did, find, my, not, I, watch, on, the, table.

5. I, it, under, found, the table.

6. To, does, music, my, washes, daughter, every, her, gymnastics, dresses, morning, and, to school, goes.

XI. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.

1. Our family has breakfast at half past seven. 2. For breakfast we have bread and butter and a cup of coffee. 3. After breakfast we went to the plant. 4. I got home by bus.

XII. Заповніть пропуски дієсловами з правої колонки.

1. Pete … near his plant, so he … there. 2. He … at seven, …, … and … his gymnastics to music. 3. He … home at a quarter to eight. 4. His wife … breakfast ready for him. 5. She … a student. 6. She … to the University in the evening. 7. She … classes three times a week. 8. She … to the Institute by bus.

Leaves, gets, lives, dresses, washes, goes, does, gets, gets up, walks, is, attends

XIII. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. When do you usually get up? 2. When did you get up yesterday? 3. When will you get up tomorrow? 4. What do you do before breakfast? 5. What did you do after breakfast? 6. Who gets breakfast ready for you? 7. Will your mother get breakfast ready for you? 8. How many meals do you have a day? 9. How many meals did you have yesterday? 10. When will you leave home tomorrow? 11. How did you get to the University yesterday? 12. What will you have for supper? 13. Where did you have supper yesterday? 14. Where will you go after the University?

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