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Reading practice

3.1. Read the text. About myself

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ann. My surname or last name is Petrova. I am Russia. I am seventeen years old. I was born on May 5 in Krasnokamensk, Zabaikalsky Krai. Two years ago, our family moved to Chita where I live now together with my parents. My address is flat 23, Lenin street, 143. My father is a doctor. He works at a hospital. My mother is a bookkeeper. We are four in the family. I have a brother. He is a pupil. Our family is very united.

Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slim. I have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. In May, I finished school № 12. I always learned with great interest. I also took an active part in social life. My favourite subjects at school were Literature and History. Math and Physics came easy to me too. I was on the top of the list in our class in these subjects but they were not so in­teresting to me. I also liked English. I think it is necessary to know at least one foreign language.

Now I am a student of the Zabaikal Railway Transport Institute, a first-year student, to be exact. I study at the Faculty of the Operation and Economics on the Transport. I am very busy, as a rule. I study very hard. I read and write a lot. I like to read classics, as well as modern novels. I like to listen to the modern music and dance. I dance a lot and hope I am good at it.

I have many friends. Practically all of them are students. We like to spend time together because we have the same interests.

3.2. Are these statements true or wrong?

1. Ann is American.

2. She is 17 years old.

3. She is a second-year student.

4. She was a pupil of the school No 12.

5. Her favourite subjects are History and Music.

6. She likes to read modern novels.

7. She has a younger sister.

8. Her father is a bookkeeper.

3.3. Answer the following questions.

1. What is girl’s name?

2. What is your nationality?

3. What is she?

4. What year student is she?

5. What are her favourite subjects?

6. Is she very busy?

7. What is her mother?

8. What is her father?

9. What is her address?

10. How does she look?

11. What does she like to do?

3.4. Tell about Ann (8 – 10 sentences). Use following word combinations:

  • as far as I know;

  • according to the text;

  • as concerns.


4.1. Read about people from different counties and ask her/his partner the questions below the text.

A. My name is David. I am 37 years old. I am single. I am a bus driver in London.

B. Nicole is from France. She is 28 years old. She is an actress. She is married. Her husband is a film director. He is 36 years old. Their home is in Paris.

C. Andrei is from Russia. He is 17 years old. His home is in Chita. He is a student of the Railway Transport Institute. He is a future accountant. He is interested in music.

D. His name is Peter. He lives with his parents in Hamburg. He is 19 years old. He likes to learn English because it is an international language.

1. Who is an actress? 2. Who is a student? 3. Who is from France? 4. Who is from London? 5. Who is from Germany? 6. Who is married? 7. Who is 37 years old? 8. Who is 17 years old? 9. Who is a bus driver? 10. Who is a film director? 11. Who is interested in music? 12. Who is fond of English?