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11. Read the following words. What are their prefixes? stems? suffixes?

generate, inefficient, abnormally, underproduction, anticlockwise, counteraction, demagnetize, superconductor, inequality, misunderstand, unequally, equality, interrelation, non-conductor, input, simplify, waterless, irregularity, redden, enlargement, unreadable, southward, clockwise, fully, noisy, typically, impossible, superconductor.

12. Translate into Russian in writing

Energy is necessary for communication. Energy is the capacity for doing work. The various forms of energy, interconvertible by suitable means, include potential, kinetic, electrical, heat, chemical, nuclear, and radiant energy. Interconversion between these forms of energy occurs only in the presence of matter.

In the absence of matter, energy can only exist in the form of radiant energy.

13. Translate the following words into Russian. Say how they were formed

state-of-the-art; four-wheel-drive; security-card-operated; matchbox; break-out; lie-down; read-out; push-up; intake; outcome; looker-on; passer-by; runner-up; day-to-day; tablecloth; word-processor; golf-course; office-worker; commander-in-chief; risk-taking; film-making; 'export – ex'port; 'import – im'port; employment; readable; installation; beautiful; helpless; disabled; misunderstand; understandable; realization; briefly; effective; identical; impossible; specific; aviation; aviator; communication; television; adventure; amplify; amplifier; amplification.

14. Form as many new words as possible from the following ones:

interest; understand; probable; page; heart; produce; recognize; access; result; cover; support.


В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке одно и то же слово может выступать в предложении в качестве разных частей речи. Так, в данных ниже предложениях слово water является существительным (1), глаголом (2), играет роль прилагательного (определения) (3), является частью сложного слова (4).

  1. Water is necessary for life. – Вода необходима для жизни.

  2. Water the flower-bed, please. – Полей(те), пожалуйста, клумбу.

  3. Water mills served a source of energy. – Водяные мельницы служили источником энергии.

  4. Water-supply system – система водоснабжения

Water-proof watch – водонепроницаемые часы

Значения подобных слов и их перевод на русский язык зависят от того, каким членом предложения они являются. Они могут быть подлежащим, сказуемым (или его частью), определением, обстоятельством. Функцию слова помогает определить твердый порядок слов в английском предложении и контекст.

16. Look up the meanings of these words in a dictionary, if necessary. How are they translated in the sentences below? Mind the word order

a) place, iron, lift, house, light, heat, use, form, change, wire

  1. The conductor wires are placed high up.

  2. Electromagnets lift iron weights.

  1. The plastic box houses the conducting and the insulating elements of the apparatus.

  2. The house is lighted and heated by solar energy.

  3. The light went out.

  4. After the metal was heated it changed its colour to a red heat.

  5. The newly made invention has a great number of uses.

  6. The wire and the source form a circuit.

b) balance, amount, water, fuel, control, measure, cause, increase

  1. The fuel-and-energy balance is important for industry.

  2. Conductivity increases with heating.

  3. The machine should be re-fuelled.

  4. The amount of power used in the world in a year amounts to 12,000 million tons of equivalent fuel.

  5. Water barriers are crossed by submarine cables.

  6. The instrument is foot-controlled by a pedal.

  7. Force and motion go together; one is a cause, the other is a result.

  8. An electromotive force causes the electrons to move.

  9. Control of the apparatus is placed on the panel.

  10. The volt is a measure of electromotive force.

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