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Англійська мова для студентів-медиків (Аврахова...doc
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Inoculate [1'nokjulert] робити щеплення

consulting [kan'sAltir) лікар-

physician fi'zij(a)n] консультантHEALTH SERVICE IN THE USA

[I'm 3:d3(9)nsi відділення швидкої 'ju:nit] допомоги

['pa:st(s)ralj пасторальний, церковний ['medikalkes] медичне обслуговування fmedikeid] соціальна урядова програма, яка забезпечує безкоштовне медичне обслуговування бідним та інвалідам урядова програма, яка передбачає часткову оплату медичного обслуговування літніх - за рахунок страхування, решти - за рахунок держави на душу населення валовий продукт країни


споживання, трата п проблема, виклик, складне завдання; у кидати виклик, піддавати сумніву дорогий, цінний страхування непрацездатність вихід на пенсію, пенсійний вік расовий

emergency unit pastoral medical care Medicaid



per capita [pa'kaepits] Gross National [grous'nasjanal

product sophisticated expenditure challenge

'prodAkt] [ss'fistikeitid] [ik'spendit/э] ['tjaelind3]

costly insurance disability retirement

racial income



Ldiss'biliti] [n'taismant]


прибуток, заробіток

V. Find the corresponding definitions to the following words:

a government organization responsible for a certain area of administration unlawful killing of a person

something new and difficult which requires great efforts and determination

  1. Expenditure

  2. Challenge

  3. Agency

  4. Accelerate

the spending of money on something or the money that is spent on something

to say that an event will happen, to say, tell something in advance

more advanced or complex than others, more intelligent and more informed than others (methods, device, machine)

to cause (something) to occur faster or happen earlier, to become faster, increase quickly

VI. Use the following words and word combinations in your own sentences or find the sentences with them in the text and read them. (l к л

To arrange for, to receive p^Jrom, health care to the sick and injured, government-financed, to stuff by, pastoral care is available, per capita, fraction of Gross National Product, rate of increase of expendi­tures, the financial capability, health insurance, to force to develop, racial background, the poverty level, the death rate, the leading kil­ler.

Text 1


Health care in the USA is organized in three levels: family doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the USA Public Health Service.

A private doctor, they call him ^{family doctor, gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations. In case professional service and care is needed the family doctor arranges for the specialist or a hospital for his patient. The family doctor receives pay directly from the patient. A family doctor either has its own private office or works with several other doctors in the so-called group practice. Many Americans have no family doctor and they come directly to hospital for all their medical needs.