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Англійська мова для студентів-медиків (Аврахова...doc
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VII. Choose the proper continuation:

2. the tunica demia

1. the tunica intima ^

the epicardium, surrounded by a space, the pericardial cavity, enclosed by a fibrous sac;

\ is endocardium, smooth layer of

the cells which lines the interior of the heart;

3. the ^tatiica adventitia

myocardium, the thickest muscular layer.

            1. What system is this?

A characteristic feature of the system is the numerous delicate valves in small and medium sized vessels. The structure of these valves is simi­lar to that nerves in the venous system, but the connective tissue core consists merely of reticulum fibres and a little ground substance. (Venous or lymphatic)

            1. Read and translate into Ukrainian.

The valves of the heart consist of leaflets of connective tissue, the surfaces being invested with a thin endothelial layer continuous with that of the heart chambers and great vessels. The connective tissue of each leaflet forms a tough fibrous sheet, the lamina fibrosa. The valve con­nective tissue also contains a significant amount of elastin. At the attached margins of each valve, the collagenous tissue becomes condensed to form a fibrous ring and the rings of the four valves together form a central fibrous "skeleton" which is continuous with the connective tissue of the myocardium, endocardium and epicardium.

            1. Translate into English.

              1. Однією із причин розвитку атеросклерозу е порушення холесте­ринового обміну.

Зазвичай, стенокардія починається із різкого болю в загрудин- ній ділянці


              1. Основним симптомом гіпертонії є підвищений артеріальний тиск.

              2. Гострому інфаркту міокарда, особливо внаслідок тромбозу, іноді передує стенокардія і гіпертонія.

сґґкнаїа ; Л

farctjon /and fihrnaja

aeart muscle Гл






in that disease.

a coronary

before funcTn

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. , Myocardial

j£a?diac ^yafnnntinn, with rayog^^^ whfvnpvpr the nutritional rpqiiirflmfikfc thet^^Tffy^f the coronary arteries to lomm: ischemia causes the pain of ап^іШ^е^с^. the various .pathophysiologic conditions


_ infarction and necrosis can take place, often results from an ischemic myocardium^ C^/UU jj^Mfi

by a history of angina p^ig^g^ary hyper^n- , however, have had no previ 011s cardiovascular сонь-

mpn accompanimftnt; the patient complains that ^he CO—- im from breathing properly. .Nausea,

onutiag, hifi:

sion. Many patients plaints.

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. tnrhycnrdin to AV block. Murm.

myocardial infarction, especially when due to thrombosis, is are


ups and abdominal cfipension. son^times Extreme weakness and

flarof inrippridinp НряіЬ д^^рпя^ are present. The blood pressure usu- ally^sfia шШіп a few hours after onset of the attack.

_ patients blood pressure sometimes becomes perma- йй^01* less hypertensive. The pulse may be weffit/'and and the rrftp usually exceeds 100/minute./ The heart sounds jpnerajl^ ще хеНш£, but ocjdaaipjn&ljy loud and thesis often a gallflp'rhythm^Arrhythmias are common and rkpgi ^pmatnw cmxtractloas, atrial J^m^or fibrillation and v*>ritrjr;il1ar

&re not characteristic, but a systolic

mTirmiir +'rpqiipr>tly i.Q ялТг|і|>Тр at the^apex. A pericardial fHrtinn сдЬ often is heard on about the fourth day or jfrfth.JSigna.of QQfigesfcr«s faihjxe, such as dyspnea, enlarged liver, dgjjenjieet -рНртпя and infireaggd venous pres­sure, may develop.