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Англійська мова для студентів-медиків (Аврахова...doc
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        1. Translate the following international words.

Etiology, deficiency, humanity, typical, percent, to infect, genesis, special, receptive, to produce, function, organism, incubation period, virus, preparation, sexual partner, to reduce risk.

Choose the proper matches to the following expressions


to avoid danger ; 2. to reveal HIV ; 3. to reduce the risk v 4. to penetrate into human body Л. 5. to affect sells -7 6. to become armless against j 7. to lead to death

* 1. привести до смерті

          1. впливати на клітини

          2. виявляти вірус

  • 4. попереджувати небезпеку

  • 5. проникати в тіло людини -6. зменшувати ризик

, 7. ставати беззахисним

.Text 2 aids as it is

In the late 70s American physicians reported the cases of unusual Kaposi's sarcoma (a tumor of the blood vessel wall) and рпеитосуайс pneumonia (a disease caused by protista) had become more frequent. More profound explorations revealed that most of the deceased and ill were young homosexuals and drug users.(The scientists knew nothing about the etiology of the disease by that time and it took several years of research­es before the diagnosis of AIDS appeared in 1981 in the United States AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) has turned to be the one of the most serious problems humanity has ever meTj

The studies went^on and in 1983 in France, 1984 in the USA the cause was finally found.|Luc Montagnier (Люк Монтенье) and Robert Gallo (Роберт Галлоу) discovered, a virus they called HIV (Human Immunode­ficiency Virus). HIV is Retrovirus family and has two strains: HIV1 and HIV2. HIVl is now called a plague of the 20th centu­ry. HIV2 is a less dangerous strain] and is typical for Western Africa, where up to 80 per cent women are infected with it. The roots of HIV gen­esis are seen in green African monkeys virus SIV. It's known as a cause of the "slim disease" in native Africans. Probably, HIV penetrated into America within cheap African donated blood.


[The virus affects its t^rg;^t cells (T4-lymphocytes,, macrophages, neur­al tissue cells) - the ones containing a special receptive CD4 protein-anti­gen. An affected cell begins to produce new generations of virus particles1

Ць^ь A_*..A ' - V у£ї L ■ * and so the disease spreads!] The lesion and mass destruction of T4-helpers

decrease the functioning of human immune system, so that the organism would become armless against any infection or invasion, which can easi­ly lead to death. > • ^

(There are 6 periods ,in AIDS flow. The^ First is infection with the virus, the lsoftrce miglit be an ill or already infected person, ^bejsecond as incubation and lasts for 2 or 3 weeks [The third period ie> a so-called acute AIDS, fi'aring this time. (2-3 weeks) airway inanimations, allrcgy. mononucleosis may ;Ьсс\пу Then "comes the fourth - lnfenfr- IikSSM period.I ftrs- the (usually

-3—5-^year&HThe fifth is tpre-AIDSj Its signs are cough, emaciation, lymphoadenopathia, fever, night sweats. One is to be lost within up to llI5year since that time and there's still no remedy for it. The sixth is Гл ^AIDS itself - one slowly dies of any casual infection or invasion.

The ways AIDS virus gets into human body are the following. It can come witjxinfectecl blood or blood=prgparations. These must pass throug


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thorough control to avoid the^d^nger of infection. The else is the sexual

way. YoHvCan^catch the virus while any intercourse. Most people who have

the virus don't even know it". They may look and feel completely well. So

you can't know who is infected and who isn't. The more sexual partners

you have, especially male partners, the more chance you have of having

sex with someone who is infected. Fewer partners, less risk. Everybody

has to be aware of it, because it's the way you can reduce the risk. And

the last is thevway through placenta, milk and delivery waters. The virus

£ап.І ІЖ лодатцпі^

pool, toilet, bathroom, kitchen etc. or through bloodsucking insects.