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Unit 1-4(часть2).doc
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Exercise 13. Choose the correct English version of the statements:

1. Збільшивши об’єм виробництва, компанія також покращила якість своєї продукції.

  1. Increasing the volume of production, the company also improved the quality of its products.

  2. Having increased the volume of production, the company also improved the quality of its products.

2. Переглядаючи цінник, він здивувався.

  1. Looking through the price-list he got surprised.

  2. Having looked through the price-list he got surprised.

3. Заробляючи на життя, він брався за кожну роботу.

  1. Earning for living he took any job.

  2. Having earned for living he took any job.

5. Схвильований майбутнім звітом, він не міг заснути.

  1. Exciting with the forthcoming statement he couldn’t fall asleep.

  2. Excited with the forthcoming statement he couldn’t fall asleep.

6. Результати переговорів були несподіваними.

  1. The results of the negotiations were unexpecting.

  2. The results of the negotiations were unexpected.

7. Подробиці контракту обговорювалися за ленчем.

  1. Discussing the details of the contract, Tom and John were having their lunch.

  2. Having discussed the details of the contract, Tom and John were having their lunch.

Exercise 14. Translate the word-combinations:

    1. a student studying accountancy; a businessman contributing to the national economy; a boy graduating from a business college; an expanding business; a declining economy; a scientist conducting an original research; falling prices; existing problems; changing state of business.

    2. advanced research; acquired knowledge; gained experience; some data collected by researchers; borrowed money; increased income; information required by many people; a well-known car dealer.

    3. explaining the rules; including new details; revising sources of information; considering new facts; providing business opportunities; offering help to fellow-students; solving a new problem; observing processes in pricing.

    4. having raised the prices; having solved the problem; having gained much experience; having read a statement; having invested in car business; having made a contribution; having conducted the experiment; having updated the information; having earned $12,456.

Exercise 15. Translate the sentences:

  1. Do you know the two gentlemen discussing something at the window?

  2. Having been calculated in a wrong way, the profit was not very high.

  3. Using new equipment sent by their sponsors, they received the required results.

  4. Walking home I met a friend of mine who was waiting for his girl.

  5. Rising prices resulted from shortage of supplies.

  6. Looking for a job, he reads advertisements in newspapers.

  7. Having considered all aspects of this issue, the Board of Directors decided to increase the volume of production.

  8. The conference fee paid prior to April 1 will be lower.

  9. The company offers a program for advanced learners.

  10. The problems being discussed at the conference are not very interesting for me. I’m interested in problems concerning noise pollution.

  11. New customs regulations having been set, the formalities became much simpler.

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