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XXVIII. Listen to the text “Infection” and retell it in Russian(appendix)

XXX. Check your knowledge of infectious diseases:


1. The individual who first introduced an infectious agent to a population is referred to as the:

  • first incident.

  • ground zero.

  • index case.

  • infectious deliverer.

  • target case.

2. Toxic waste products that are produced by living bacteria are:

  • bacterotoxins.

  • cytotoxins.

  • endotoxins.

  • exotoxins.

  • pathotoxins.

3. Which statement about viruses is correct?

  • A host is susceptible to any particular virus during multiple encounters.

  • Antibiotic therapy is the only means to treat viral infections.

  • Viruses cannot be seen under the microscope.

  • Viruses grow and reproduce only within a host cell.

  • Viruses are larger than bacteria.

4. Which type of organism is yeast?

  • bacteria

  • fungus

  • protozoa

  • virus

  • endotoxin

5. ____is the presence of an agent (pathogen) only on the surface of the host without actual infection.

  • Communication

  • Symbiosis

  • Infection

  • Virulence

  • Contamination

6. All of the following are factors in disease transmission EXCEPT:

  • host resistance.

  • length of exposure.

  • mode of entry.

  • virulence.

  • number of organisms transmitted.

7. The time between a host's exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of

symptoms is the:

  • communicable period.

  • disease period.

  • incubation period.

  • latent period.

  • growth period.

8. Intermediate - level disinfection is accomplished by using:

  • 1:100 water and bleach solution.

  • chemical sterilizing agents.

  • gas sterilization unit.

  • soap and water.

  • an autoclave.

9. When should an infectious disease exposure be reported?

  • at the end of the shift

  • by the beginning of the next shift

  • immediately

  • within 24 hours

  • within 72 hours

10. For which of the following diseases is the health care worker at the GREATEST risk of exposure?

  • hepatitis B

  • HIV

  • meningitis

  • tuberculosis

  • pneumonia

11. A parasitic infection of t he skin that does not break the skin is:

  • impetigo.

  • lice.

  • psoriasis.

  • scabies.

  • roundworm.

12. Infection of the skin by staphylococci or streptococci is:

  • impetigo.

  • lice.

  • psoriasis.

13. Infections acquired while in t he hospital are referred to as:


  • administrative.

  • nosocomial.

  • pathologic.

  • opportunistic.

XXXI. Render from Russian into English, check your knowledge of the words dealing with the topic “Infectious diseases”:

Lexical test

Infectious diseases

Render from Russian into English:

  1. анализ эпидемических вспышек

  2. мучительная рвота

  3. водянистый зловонный стул

  4. волдыри на коже наполненные экссудатом

  5. широко рекомендованное окуривание помещений

  6. живая ослабленная вакцина

  7. вызванный передачей специфического возбудителя

  8. образовать коросту

  9. заразиться чумой

  10. урчание в животе

  11. многократная рвота

  12. ликвидировать оспу

  13. источник инфекции

  14. проникновение в организм болезнетворных микроорганизмов

  15. пенистый стул

  16. приобретать пассивный иммунитет

  17. обладать ядовитостью

  18. заразное заболевание

  19. бессимптомный переносчик сальмонеллеза

  20. ложный позыв на стул

  21. карантинные меры

  22. ударная доза

  23. высокий уровень восприимчивости

  24. потрясающий озноб

  25. проводить тотальную вакцинацию против кори

  26. легко поражаемая популяция

  27. изнуряющая рвота

  28. красные пятна на твёрдом и мягком небе

  29. стадия шелушения

  30. делать прививку против дифтерии

  31. ликвидировать споры сибирской язвы

  32. характерные высыпания на туловище

  33. образовать корочку через 7 дней

  34. окуривание как мера предотвращения распространения сыпного тифа

  35. опылять поля, чтобы убить клещей

  36. укусы клещей

Appendix (auditory perception)

Text 1

Infectious diseases are diseases caused by pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and proteins called prions. It is important to note that the word infection is not only used in relation to infectious diseases. It is also used to mean the spread of pathogenic micro-organisms in an individual. So somebody could have an infected wound without having an infectious disease.

Infectious diseases can be classified by their means of transmission or by the area of the body they attack. For example, tuberculosis is a respiratory disease and it is transmitted through airborne droplets spread by sneezing and spitting. Hepatitis is a gastrointestinal disease which is acquired through contaminated food and water. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease which travels to a new host via bodily fluids and it is possible to pick up meningitis, which is an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, by touching a contaminated object such as a doorknob.

Another way of looking at infectious diseases is to classify them according to the type of pathogen that causes them. A primary pathogen is one that can bring about a disease in a healthy host. Primary pathogens are responsible for illnesses such as HIV and malaria. Opportunistic pathogens, on the other hand, cause diseases in hosts with depressed resistance. They thrive on hospital wards and are responsible for hospital acquired diseases such as MRSA. These diseases are obviously of major concern to hospitals because ;the pathogens that cause them are always present. They are carried in the noses and on the skin of healthy people without them getting ill. They are very difficult to get rid of and can persist for months on surfaces, surviving standard cleaning procedures.

Text 2

Identifying an infectious disease involves a close examination of a patient followed by the culturing of infectious agents taken from the patient. Cultures are examined under a microscope and matched against known agents, and scans and x-rays can find clues in internal abnormalities caused by pathogens. On the whole, pathogens don't intend to kill their hosts; they are simply looking for shelter and food. If the host lives, the pathogen is eventually cleared out of the system and the symptoms fade. This is because the immune system reacts to the presence of pathogens and it has mechanisms that kill invaders. In addition, antibodies and lymphocytes will also provide immunity from further infection.

Immunity acquired as a result of a disease is referred to as innate. The alternative type of immunity is gained through vaccination. This works by introducing a disease to the body in order to evoke a response by the immune system to protect the body from harm. Vaccination has two uses - it can immunize people who have not contracted a disease and it can also sometimes be used to treat people who have recently been infected (the first rabies injection was given to a child who had been bitten by a rabid dog). Vaccine triggers a quicker immune response than a natural infection.

Better hygiene and clean water are the main reasons why diseases like cholera, smallpox, typhoid, and dysentery have disappeared from many regions and no longer ravage the world's human population in pandemics (global epidemics). However, there is no doubt that vaccination campaigns also save many lives even though the WHO says that millions of people die every year in poor countries from preventable diseases.



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