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IX.Read the text and answer the questions:

Tick is a blood sucking parasite belonging to the order of arthropods that also includes mites. Tick bites can cause serious skin lesions and occasionally paralysis, and certain tick species transmit tularemia, Russian tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever and others. Tick fever is any infectious disease transmitted by ticks, especially Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Adult fleas are temporary parasites on birds and mammals and those species that attack man may be important in the transmission of various diseases. Their bites are not only a nuisance but may become a focus of infection causing plague.

Louse is an external parasite of man. Lice attach themselves to hair and clothing using their well-developed legs and claws. Their flattened leathery bodies are resistant to crushing and their mouthparts are adapted for sucking blood. Lice thrive in overcrowded and unhygienic conditions. They can infest humans causing pediculosis and they may also transmit other diseases such as typhus and “trench fever”.

“Mite” is a term commonly used to refer to a group of insect-like organisms, some of which bite or cause irritation of humans. Most mites never come in contact with humans, but some that do can affect a person`s health. Medically important mites cause several forms of allergic diseases, including hay fever, asthma, and eczema, and are known to aggravate atopic dermatitis.

Much information has appeared in recent years about house dust mites. Virtually invisible to the naked eye, house dust mites are nevertheless real. Dust mites and their feces can become airborne and are one of the most common indoor allergens. Most persons diagnosed as being allergic to “house dust” are actually allergic to the dust mites whose bodies and feces are major components of dust. Dust mites have been implicated in triggering asthma attacks.

Sarcoptes scabiei are mites that infest mammals, including man. Most human infestations result from person-to-person contact. Although they can transfer from animals to humans and vice versa, several types of scabies mites exist, each having a preferred host species on which it reproduces. In dogs, scabies mites cause mange. Scabies is the most common and important condition resulting from mite infestation of humans. Unlike other mites, scabies mites actually burrow and produce tunnels one centimeter or more in length just below the surface of the skin, in which they lay eggs. The mites are believed to feed on skin and secretions. The entire life cycle (10-17 days for human-infesting scabies mites) is spent on their host. Without a host, they survive only a few days. In previously unexposed individuals, a scabies infestation may go unnoticed for more than a month. Then, severe irritation and itching develops, especially at night.

X. Give Russian equivalents to the following word - combinations:

1. to administer live vaccine

2. a sporadic outbreak of a disease

3. to contract rabies

4. foamy stool

5. to eradicate malaria

6. emaciating vomiting

7. to exterminate mosquitoes

8. to lead to many subsequent outbreaks

9. contaminated food

10. false urge to defecate

11. disease – producing germ

12. stomach murmurs

13. excruciating vomiting to spread in potentially susceptible hub

14. shaking chill

15. Koplic – Filatov spots

16. foul – smelling stool

17. tiny fluid – filled blisters on the skin

18. communicable disease spread from person to person

19. to expose to contamination

20. booster dose

21. vector transmission

22. to require medical quarantine

23. a sample taken from potentially diseased tissue or fluid

24. the likely route of exposure

25. covered by a black scab

26. virulent strain used in anthrax attacks

27. crusted blisters

28. with annual boosters to maintain immunity

29. moist, pale pink spots

30. inherited susceptibility

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