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The symptoms (such as distinctive skin rashes that do not disappear, loss of the sense of touch, and deformities that result from muscle weakness) provide strong clues to the diagnosis of leprosy. Microscopic examination of a sample of infected skin tissue confirms the diagnosis. Because leprosy bacteria will not grow in the laboratory, tissue cultures and blood tests are not useful.

Prevention and Treatment

In the past, the deformities caused by lep­rosy led to ostracism, and people with the disease often were isolated in institutions or colonies. In some countries, this practice is still common. Isolation, however, is unnecessary. Leprosy is contagious only in the untreated lepromatous form, and even then the disease is not easily transmitted to others. Once treatment has begun, the disease cannot be passed to others. Furthermore, most people are naturally immune to leprosy, and only those who have close, long-term contact with an infected person are at risk of developing an infection. People at risk should be monitored by a doctor, but preventive antibiotics are not used. The BCG vaccine, which is used to prevent tuberculosis, offers some protection against leprosy—but is not often used.

Antibiotic treatment can stop the progression of leprosy but does not reverse any nerve damage or deformity. Thus, early detection and treatment are vitally important. Because some leprosy bacteria may be resistant to certain antibiotics, doctors prescribe more than one drug. The standard combination is dapsone and rifampin. Dapsone is relatively inexpensive and generally safe to use; it only occasionally causes allergic skin rashes and anemia. Rifampin, which is more expensive, is even stronger than dapsone; its most serious side effects are damage to the liver and flu-like symptoms. Clofazimine is often added to the treatment regimen for severe cases.

Antibiotic therapy must be continued for a long time, because the bacteria are difficult to eradicate. Depending on the severity of the infection and the doctor's judgment, treatment continues from 6 months to many years. Some doctors recommend lifelong treatment for people with lepromatous leprosy. With treatment, the medical sequelae are often minor, but cosmetic deformities may lead to ostracizing of patients and their families.

III.Fill in the gaps with the words in the list below:


Lepromatous (multibacillary) leprosy is a …1steadily progressive form of the disease 2by the development of widely distributed lumps

on the skin , …3… of the skin and nerves , and in serious cases by severe 4… of the skin , muscle weakness, and paralysis , which leads to 5… and deformity. Tuberculosis is a common …6… .

Tuberculoid leprosy is a 7, often self-limiting form of leprosy causing …8… and disfiguration of 9… of skin ( sparsely distributed ) associated with localized numbness.

Indeterminate leprosy is a form of the disease in which skin 10represent a combination of the two main types .

Tuberculoid and indeterminate leprosy are known as paucibacillary.

    1. осложнение

    2. проявление

    3. заразный

    4. доброкачественный

    5. онемение

    6. характеризуемый

    7. кусок, участок

    8. обезображивание

    9. утолщение

    10. изменение цвет

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