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6. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст: Cartoons Against Drugs

Sometimes the media cooperate in a conscious effort to set the agenda for media consumers. TV networks occasionally join together in interrupting their regular programming to broadcast a speech or press conference by the president of the United States. Other times there are simulcast broadcasts of major new events.

In April of 1990 ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox networks joined with cable networks and independent TV stations across the nation to saturate the Saturday morning airwaves with an anti-drug message aimed at children.

At 9:30 a.m. most TV channels carried an animated half-hour show entitled Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue. Organized by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and produced under the auspices of Walt Disney Co., the program used such characters as Bugs Bunny, Miss Piggy and the Smurfs to send a strong message to youngsters about the dangers of using illegal drugs.

The story focused on a 9-year-old girl who learns that her 14-year-old brother has broken into her piggy bank to steal money to buy marijuana. The cartoon characters, who come to life from the girl’s books and stuffed toys, help her figure out what’s going on and eventually persuade her brother to stop using drugs.

The McDonald’s Corporation and its Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities provided $2 million for the production and a related anti-drug abuse campaign that involved passing out 250 million pamphlets about the program at McDonald’s restaurants and distributing tapes to video stores and schools.

The anti-drug effort did not go without criticism, however. Some felt that such an organized effort to send a single message to the nation’s youth was setting a dangerous precedent. Others criticized the fact that the program ignored the No. 1 substance abuse problem – alcohol. However, the program’s defenders hailed the broadcast as a major step in using the mass media for serious educational purposes.


1. Transform the direct speech into reported one according to the model. Pay attention to the rules of the sequence of tenses. Translate the sentences.

  1. “Maurice,” she said, “I’ve just telephoned to the doctor”.

  2. “Very well, then,” said my friend’s wife, “I shall take the children and go to a hotel until these cheeses are eaten”.

  3. “I can go to England at the beginning of June, doctor, but not before,” I said.

  4. The boy said to the policeman, “You’ve got all my papers”.

  5. The receptionist said, “I think you had room number fourteen last time, Colonel Luscombe”.

2. Make the following sentences passive. Translate the sentences.

  1. He didn’t explain the traffic regulations to me.

  2. They have organized a golf club here.

  3. They are rehearsing a new play in the National Theatre.

  4. We lost sight of the car when it turned round the corner.

  5. They have been carrying out the work since August.

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the function of the Infinitive constructions in the sentence.

  1. He felt somebody touch him lightly on the shoulder.

  2. They did not expect me to return so soon.

  3. It is obligatory for them to be here on Monday.

  4. I shall leave the magazine for you to read.

  5. She was foolish enough not to have understood my explanations.

4. Choose the necessary modal verb among those in brackets. Translate the sentences.

  1. He (could, may) read and write at the age of five.

  2. I am certain Sarah (should, must) be bored with her work.

  3. He (need not, must not) call me today, but he did.

  4. You (might, could) phone me last night. I was waiting for your call.

  5. You (need, be to) do your homework before you watch TV.

5. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the translation of the Gerund.

  1. Do you remember meeting your husband for the first time?

  2. They suggested going to the park.

  3. Excuse my leaving you at such a moment.

  4. Stanton admitted taking the money.

  5. He dressed as if he were afraid of catching a cold.

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