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              1. Translate the following words; make up 15 sentences using them:

bulky, to wrap, to contain, to cover, circulation, to distribute, to distinguish, advertising, daily edition, in advance, rural areas, abundance, feature material, unprofitable, to compete against, a share of something, to pursue.

              1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What editions are the bulkiest news papers published anywhere?

  2. What information do such editions include?

  3. What circulation do Sunday newspapers have?

  4. Why is such papers distinguished from the daily editions?

  5. What type of material takes the most part of such editions?

  6. Is it very expensive to publish such a newspaper? Why?

  7. Why do many smaller newspapers find such a publishing effort unprofitable?

  8. Why do department stores find Sunday editions to be one of their most effective selling tools?

              1. Define the part of speech of the underlined words. Контрольна робота № 6


  1. Read and translate the following text. Are You On Top of The World? (Some Things that Can Make You Feel Better)

These days most doctors and scientists agree that our physical health is closely related to our psychological well-being. But just what have the experts discovered about what makes us feel good?

Getting Moving

As well as being important to your physical health, regular exercise is now believed to improve your psychological state by releasing endorphins or “happy chemicals” into the brain.

Some researchers consider it can be just as valuable as psychotherapy in helping depression, and engendering a more positive outlook. Even a brisk 10-minute walk every day can help according to researchers In one project, unemployed urban youths who undertook intensive sports training for several months, not only became involved in that sport, but also in other activities such as study, politics and voluntary work.

A Lively Social Life

According to experts, companionship and social support are vital to both our psychological and physical well-being – one reason, perhaps, why married people tend to live longer than unmarried ones. Modern researchers emphasize the value of group social activities in this respect. “Relationships we form at church or in clubs tend to be more supportive and uncritical than those we form at work or in the family”, says Professor Michael Argyle, of Oxford Brooks University, “and these positive relationships improve our self-esteem, which is vital to both our physical and mental health.” This is backed up by recent research which shows, perhaps surprisingly, that people who spend more time with others actually get fewer colds and viruses that those who stay at home on their own. In fact social support is so important to our mental and physical well-being that it may even increase our life expectancy! Another piece of research found that people who belong to strong church groups, not only claim to be happier than those who don’t, they suffer from less than half the number of heart attacks than the rest of the population, and live up to four years longer!

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