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Travelling is very popular among students in Britain. They don’t have a lot of money, so it has to be cheap, but there are many ways of travelling at low cost.

The cheapest way to travel is hitchhiking, but this isn’t reliable and it can be dangerous, so it’s better to use normal public transport.

If you want to travel by train, you can get a student railcard. With this you can get train tickets at a discount. For international travel in Europe you can get an Interrail card.

If you want to travel to somewhere more exotic, you have to travel by air, but this isn’t as expensive as sounds. There are a lot of shops (called ‘bucket shops’) which sell cheap airline tickets to countries like the USA, Thailand and Australia. They advertise in magazines and newspapers. A lot of these tickets are standby tickets. This means that you haven’t got a reserved seat. You have to wait and see if the plane is full. So, you might have to spend a few days at the airport before you get on a flight.

Magazines often carry adverts for ‘overland’ tours especially to Africa and India, or Latin America. On these tours, you travel with a group in a mini-bus. It isn’t very comfortable and you have to share the cooking, but it’s a cheap way to see the parts of the world that most tourists never go to.

While British young people are travelling to Africa and the Far East, many young people from Australia and New Zealand travel to Britain. They get cheap airline tickets to London. Then they usually buy a used van and travel around Europe. You can usually recognise the young travellers from Oz because they often paint a kangaroo symbol somewhere on the van.

6. Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. Which countries do people from your country travel to?

  2. What cheap forms of transport are available?

7. Make up a plan of the text in the form of the questions of different types (not less than 10 questions).


1. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. People mustn’t park their cars here.

  2. The team made Tom their captain.

  3. Why aren’t they repairing Mary’s radio?

  4. People make wine from grapes.

  5. They won’t have completed the work by the end of the month.

  6. Did your neighbours see the thieves?

2. Write down the following sentences. Underline the non-finite form of the verb. Define the non-finite form of the verb. Translate the sentences.

  1. To make the real decision, one’s got to have a real power.

  2. Do you mind giving me your name and telephone number, please?

  3. They feel like giving up smoking, too. It’s very harmful for health.

  4. Looking at pigs and things always soothes him, if he’s been upset.

  5. The main cause of disturbance is an old injury that seems to have been disgracefully neglected.

3. Turn the sentences from direct into reported speech. Translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. She said, "Shall we go swimming?"

  2. Annie said to Barry, "Please, please help me."

  3. Susie said to her mother, "Titanic is the best film I have ever seen."

  4. Alex said, "We are going to Hawaii for our honeymoon."

  5. "We'll go to the circus tomorrow," said Mother.

4. Define the type of conditional (1, 2, 3). Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. I would have relaxed the discipline if they had behaved in a reasonable manner.

  2. If she tried to tell anybody about her love for a white man she would be called mad.

  3. If we are to be separated, I will never forget you.

5. Read and translate the following text:

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