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Manhattan is divided into the East Side and the West Side. The dividing line is Fifth Avenue. So, for example, East 47th Street begins at Fifth Avenue, as does West 47th Street.

Manhattan is also divided, with less exactness, into Lower (Downtown), Midtown and Upper (Up-town) Manhattan. As you go North, or uptown, the street numbers get higher. Lower Manhattan refers to street numbers below 14th Street and Central Park, and Upper Manhattan to the renaming, northern, part of the island.

The lower East Side was originally an elegant neighborhood. When New York was the capital of the United States, President George Washington lived on the Lower East Side.

By the mid-1880s the Lower East Side had changed greatly. It was characterized by crime and the poverty and hopes of its residents. By the mid-1800s the Lower East Side had become an area in which immigrants settled. First there were many Irish, and then came many Jews from Eastern Europe.

Near the Lower East Side there are two other neighborhoods that also attracted immigrants and that are famous for their food. The Italian restaurants of Little Italy remain popular to tourists and Italians alike. Today Chinatown is the only immigrant community that`s still growing. Chinatown has seven newspapers of its own. It also has nearly 200 restaurants.

Greenwich Village and the East Village have always been at the centre of New York’s excitement. Both have been places for people with different and creative ideas. Both have an active nightlife with plenty of bars, restaurants and clubs.

In the early 1900s the charm Greenwich Village attracted bohemians - writers and artists. By the 1920s, the streets of the Village were filled with other people, curious to see how these odd Villagers lived. The artists and writers began moving out, some to the East Village. Today, the Village has many elements: students attending New York University; an active jazz scene; and in Washington Square - its centre - street performers, police. Drug dealers, joggers, roller skaters, and just about everyone else.

When bohemians moved to the East Village 1920s, they found an area similar to the Lower East Side. There were many immigrants, much dirt and grime. The East Village has changed very little. Over the years it has been a centre for many movements - for the beat poets of the 1950s, the hippies of the 1960s, and, more recently, for New York’s punk scene.

7. Письмово складіть 8 запитань (по 2 запитання кожного типу) до тексту.


  1. Перепишіть речення, вживаючи означений чи неозначений артикль, де необхідно:

  1. Did you finish ____ school ____last year?

  2. Where is ____ money? – It is on ___ table.

  3. _____ exercise 12 must be done in ___ written form.

  4. What was your mark in _____ History?

  5. Will you have __ cup of ___tea?

  1. Перепишіть речення, вживаючи прикметник, поданий в дужках, у необхідній формі. Перекладіть речення на українську мову:

  1. Where is (near) shop?

  2. He is (old) daughter in the family.

  3. Today your answer is (bad) than last week.

  4. It is so (late) now. I should go home.

  5. What can be (sweet) than honey?

  1. Запишіть подані кількісні та порядкові числівники словами:

2-й; 36; 85-й; 651; 841-й; 2907.

  1. Поставте дієслова в дужках у необхідній часовій формі (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous або Past Indefinite) та перекладіть речення:

  1. Who (to sing) in the next room?

  2. It often (to rain) in autumn.

  3. Yesterday we (to discuss) everything.]

  4. He (to live) with his parents?

  5. She (not to go) to France five years ago.

  1. Заповніть пропуски займенниками some, any, no чи їхніми похідними:

  1. Can I do _____ for you, sir?

  2. Are there ___ college-graduates among your friends?

  3. There are ____ students in the hall. Where are they, I wonder?

  4. She was rather pretty, but ______ loved her because of her character.

  5. Please add ____ more sugar in my tea.

  1. Прочитайте текст, перепишіть його та перекладіть на українську мову:


London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world with the population of 11 million people. About a fifth of the total population of the UK lives in the Greater London area, that is London and its suburbs.

London is home for the headquarters of all government departments, Parliament, the major legal institutions and the monarch. It is the country’s business and banking centre and the centre of its transport network. It contains the headquarters of the national television networks and of all the national newspapers.

The original walled city of London founded by Romans was quite small. In the middle ages it didn’t contain the Parliament or the royal Court, because it would have interfered with the interests of the merchants and traders who lived there. It was in Westminster, another city outside London’s walls, that these national institutions met. Today both “cities” are just two areas in Central London. The City is home to London’s main financial organizations. The Royal Exchange, the Stock Exchange and the Bank of England are situated there. During the daytime, nearly a million people work there, but less than 8,000 people actually live there.

Other well-known areas in London are the West End and the East End. The former is known for its many theatres, cinemas, luxurious hotels and restaurants and expensive shops. The latter is known as the poorer residential area of Central London; the Port of London is situated there.

The two districts of London, the City of Westminster and the West End are the main tourist attractions in London. Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and quite a number of world-famous museums are all located in this area.

The majority of Londoners live in its suburbs, millions of them travelling into the centre each day to work. These suburbs cover a vast area of land.

London is a cosmopolitan city. People of several races and many nationalities live there. A survey carried out in the 1980-ies found that 137 different languages were spoken in the homes of just one district of London.

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