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Watching Soap Operas on tv

One rather surprising piece of research found that on average, people who regularly watch soaps on TV are significantly happier than those who don’t! Psychologists believe that this is because such programs provide viewers with an imaginary set of friends and a sense of belonging to a community, in the same way that a club or church might.


Many scientists these days believe that indulging in life’s little pleasures – a bar of chocolate, a glass of wine, a shopping trip, even a cigarette – can actually improve your health, because of the psychological lift it gives you. “This is evidence, for example”, says Professor David Warburton of Reading University, “that old people living in residential homes who have a cocktail hour each day actually live longer! Indulging – in moderation – in the small pleasures of life can make people calmer, alleviate stress and provide positive health benefits. There is a lot of truth in the old saying that “a little of what you fancy does you good.”

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What is the value of physical exercise for your mental health?

  2. Give two pieces of evidence that show that companionship and social support can be important for your physical health.

  3. Why do psychologists believe that watching soap operas on TV can make people feel better?

  4. What happens to old people who are given a cocktail every evening? What is the explanation according to the text?

  1. Find the English equivalents in the text:

  • «на гребені хвилі» (для опису найкращого стану, комфорту)

  • гормони щастя

  • сприяти формуванню найбільш позитивного погляду на життя

  • швидка прогулянка

  • інтенсивно займатися спортом

  • добровільна праця

  • тривалість життя

  • потурати своїм бажанням

  • віддаватися маленьким втіхам життя

  • психологічний підйом

  • будинок літніх людей

  • зменшувати стрес та позитивно впливати на здоров’я

4. Read the last words in the text: “A little of what you fancy does you good.” Do you agree with this? Explain Why/why not? Has the article made you feel that you should change something in your life attitude? (Write about 200 words).


  1. Read and translate the following text.

Are You On Top of The World?

(Some Things that Can Make You Feel Worse)

Low Self-esteem

Feeling like an underdog can damage your health. Research by National Rheumatism and Arthritis Council that workers who feel undervalued or out of control at work, are significantly more likely to suffer from back problems. Depression, a spokesman claimed, is actually far more likely to cause back ache tahn heavy lifting. Professor David Warburton of Reading University believes that one of the greatest health threats comes from negative feelings such as depression or guilt, which create stress hormones, producing cholesterol. “It’s quite likely that by worrying about whether or not you should be eating a chocolate bar you are doing yourself more harm that just getting on and eating it,” says the professor!

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