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Учебное пособие ИЯПК(ИЗМ).doc
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  1. Learn the following words.

The UN — ООН (Организация Объединенных Наций)

capital punishment — высшая мера наказания, смертная казнь

by hanging — через повешение

electrocution— казнь на электрическом стуле

lethal injection — смертельная инъекция

behead— обезглавливать

abolish— отменять

abolition— отмена

retain— сохранять

execution — приведение в исполнение (приговора, решения суда)

execute— приводить в исполнение

sentence— приговор

pass sentence — выносить приговор

deter (from) — отпугивать, удерживать

commit a crime — совершать преступление

imprisonment— лишение свободы, заключение

innocent— невиновный

revenge— месть

revenge— мстить

retribution— возмездие, кара

reform— исправлять

  1. Answer the following questions.

    1. What forms of capital punishment do you know?

    2. What countries have already abolished death penalty?

    3. What are the main arguments of supporters and opponents of death penalty?

    4. Do you agree that capital punishment is used inconsistently?

    5. Which phenomenon is increasing in today’s world?

III. Decide which sentences are true and which ones are false.

1. Many European countries support the idea of capital punishment abolition.

2. 18 countries of the world have abolished capital punishment.

3. Every year a lot of criminals are executed in Japan.

4. Opponents are sure that capital punishment diminishes the percents of violent crimes.

5. In many countries young offenders are sent to prison.

IV. Choose a), b) or c) to complete the sentences.

1. In ... capital punishment is carried out by hanging.

a) The USA;

b) China;

c) Kenya

2. The UN supported ...

a) the abolition of capital punishment;

b) the death penalty;

c) execution by lethal injection

3. In Nigeria, ... Iraq, Bangladesh, Barbados, the United States chil­dren under 18 have been legally put to death.

a) Russia;

b) Iran;

c) Great Britain

4. In ......... the aim of the penalty for theft was to frighten people from


a) in modern England;

b) in the 18th century England;

c) in the 18th century Wales

V. Match the countries with the ways of execution they practise.

Kenya a) beheading;

China b) shooting;

the USA c) lethal injection;

Saudi Arabia d) hanging.

VI. Match the verbs (on the left) with the nouns (on the right).

to commit death

to carry out criminal

to make revenge

to put to execution

to do smth in sentence

to re-educate mistake

to publish crime

to pass study

VII. Make up sentences with the phrases you've got.

VIII. Give the English equivalents for the following:

смертная казнь через повешение;

отменить казнь на электрическом стуле;

лишение свободы сроком на 2 года;

привести приговор в исполнение;

удерживать от совершения кражи;

перевоспитывать преступников;

возмездие за убийство;

из мести;

вынести смертный приговор;

отмена смертельных инъекций и обезглавливания;

оправдать невиновного;

сохранить смертную казнь только для особо тяжких преступ­лений.

IX. Explain the italicized grammar constructions in the following sentences.

1. For criminal offenses fines are also often used when the offense is not a very serious one and when the offender has not been in trouble before.

2. This requires the offender to do a certain amount of unpaid work, usually for a social institution such as a hospital.

3. In some countries, such as the Netherlands, living conditions in prisons are fairly good because it is felt that deprivation of liberty is punishment in itself and should not be so harsh that it reduces the possibility of the criminal re-educating and reforming himself.

4. Perhaps because of an increase in crime or because of more and longer sentences of imprisonment, some prison cells have to accommodate more than they were built to hold.

5. In Saudi Arabia theft and possession of alcohol may be punished by cutting off the offender’s hand or foot.