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Учебное пособие ИЯПК(ИЗМ).doc
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  1. Answer the following questions

1. What is the age of criminal responsibility in various parts of Great Britain?

2. What is the peak age of committing crime in Britain?

3. What is a typical juvenile court like?

4. What are the penalties for young people found guilty?

5. Name some of the new orders included in The Crime and Disorders Act.

  1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases.

уголовная ответственность;

несовершеннолетний правонарушитель;

являться образом жизни;

проводить закрытое заседание суда;

возмещение ущерба;

последнее предупреждение;

находиться под наблюдением.

  1. Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions.

  1. have done a particular action or caused by a particular situation, esp. a harmful or unpleasant one;

  2. to keep from occurring;

  3. carrying on of an action or law;

  4. the situation of being kept somewhere usually by force;

  5. the act of detaining, or the state of being detained;

  6. the punishment for committing a crime, offense;

  7. a person destroyed or injured by another, or by some condition or agency.

  1. Work in groups and decide what punishment is appropriate for each of the following crimes committed by a young criminal.

  1. shop-lifting;

  2. stabbing someone in a fight;

  3. selling drugs;

  4. pickpocketing;

  5. murdering a child;

  6. manslaughter;

  7. blackmail.

  1. Match the verbs (on the left) with the nouns (on the right).

to comprise magistrates

to hear cases

to hold a proceeding

to identify a person

to prevent offending

to comply with a plan

to attend a session

to involve in a crime

VII. Make up sentences with the phrases you’ve got.

VIII. Explain the italicized grammar constructions in the following sentences.

1. An important additional function of the magistrates' courts is to hear cases involving young people under 18.

2. The peak age for committing crime is 15: one in four criminal offences are committed by teenager under 16.

3. Proceedings are held in private, media reports must not identify a young person concerned in the proceedings, whether a defendant, victim or witness.

4. There is a wide range of penalties for young people who are found guilty, ranging from fines and compensations for those under 17 to confinement for those aged 15 and over in a young offenders' institution.

5. The Crime and Disorders Act 1998 has established a number of new orders to prevent offending and re-offending by young people.

IX. Discuss in a group the following situation: “Children between the ages of 14-16 were charged with a criminal offence”. What penalties would be appropriate for them in Russia (in England)?

Use the list of the following penalties as a prompt:

  • fines;

  • community service;

  • a custodial sentence;

  • programmes of activities;

  • detention in a young offenders’ institution;

  • sentences of over four months;

  • 16 hours of education a week.