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Учебное пособие ИЯПК(ИЗМ).doc
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I. Learn the following words.

fair – справедливый

to ensure – гарантировать

to violate – нарушать

to uphold (the decision) – придерживаться, поддерживать

associate justice – помощник судьи

to secure – обеспечивать, гарантировать

regardless – несмотря на …

to nominate – назначать

to approve – одобрять

to overturn – отклонять

judicial review – судебный пересмотр

to fix – четко устанавливать, закреплять

II. Answer the following questions.

1. Why is the appeal process set up?

2. When may a person appeal again?

3. What authority has the Supreme Court?

4. Can a decision of the Supreme Court be appealed?

  1. How do you understand the statement: “The Constitution guarantees basic rights to everyone”?

  1. Look at the diagram. Use appropriate words to complete the sentences given after the diagram.

Can appeal to

Can appeal to

Supreme court

  • 9 judges

  • no jury

  • highest court in the U.S.

  • all decisions are final

Special Courts

Еxample : Court of Customs

U.S. Tax Court

13 Circuit Court of Appeals

  • a group of 3 judges

  • no jury

  • higher courts

  • review district court decisions

can appeal to

94 District Courts

  • 1 judge + jury

  • lower courts

  • hears cases about federal laws and constitutional rights

  • most cases start and stop at this level

There are ninety-four 1) ________ courts in the federal system. Congress can change this number. These courts 2) ________ cases about federal laws and 3) _______ rights. These are lower 4)_____________ . Some cases go to higher courts. These are Courts of Appeals.

They review district court 5) ________. There are 6)______ Circuit Courts of Appeals in the U.S.

Some very important cases can go to the 7) ________Court. It is the highest court in the U.S. There is only 8) ________ Supreme Court. The Constitution set up this court.

Two examples of special courts are the Court of 9)________ and the U.S. Tax Court.

IV. The following sentences have the same information, but one is not correct. Cross out the wrong sentence.

1. We have the right to a fair trial.

2. There is an appeals process to help us.

3. If there is a problem at our trial, we can try to appeal.

4. The problem can be about evidence (information) in the case.

5. The problem can be about our rights. Maybe the police did not follow the rules.

6. If we appeal, the appellate court always agrees with us.

7. Sometimes the appellate court thinks the lower court was correct.

8. The appellate court can say, "No, we will not review the case."