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Учебное пособие ИЯПК(ИЗМ).doc
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  1. Learn the following words.

Participation – участие

impetus – толчок, стимул

framework – структура, рамки

vigorous – энергичный

to be affected by – находиться под воздействием чего-л.

precursor – сырье для приготовления наркотиков

to fuse – сливаться

validity – обоснованность, значимость

to suppress - подавлять

  1. Answer the following questions.

    1. When and where was the first Ministerial Conference on the drug routes from Central Asia to Europe held?

    2. What events were caused by the “Paris Act Process”?

    3. What were the reasons to hold the Conference in Moscow in June 2006?

    4. What did the Moscow Conference especially focus on?

    5. Why is it necessary to intensify joint efforts to address the global drug threat?

    6. What did the participants of the Conference confirm by adopting the Moscow Declaration?

  2. Match the Russian word-combinations on the left with their English equivalents on the right.

1) придать мощный политический стимул;

a) to suppress the drug trafficking;

2) пресекать торговлю наркотиками;

b) in furtherance of;

3) в продолжение чего-л.;

c) to give a strong political impetus;

4)внутривенное употребление наркотиков;

d) to become fused with terrorist and extremist activities;

5) слиться с экстремистской и террористической деятельностью.

e) intravenous drug use.

  1. Find the words in the text that correspond to the following definitions.

a) the first action or movement, often intended to solve a problem;

b) smth that encourages a particular activity or makes this activity more energetic or effective;

c) to have an influence on;

d) to direct one’s attention to;

e) near to or next to each other;

f) being based on truth or reason;

g) to increase in size, amount or speed.

V. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

a) быть основой для чего-либо;

b) осознавать;

c) сопредельные регионы;

d) укреплять международное сотрудничество;

e) лечение ВИЧ-инфекции;

f) решение глобальной проблемы;

g) наращивать усилия.

VI. Match the verbs with the nouns. Give the translation of the phrases you’ve got.

1) to hold;

a) a narcoproblem;

2) to give;

b) impetus;

3) to mobilize;

c) drug trafficking;

4) to suppress;

d) a conference;

5) to solve.

e) efforts.

VII. Make up sentences in English with the phrases from the previous task.

  1. Insert the articles if necessary.

… Ministerial Conference on … drug routes from Central Asia to Europe was held in Paris three years ago. It was organized following … French initiative with active participation of … UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and is now referred to as "Paris I" Conference.

The 2003 Conference gave … strong political impetus to … so-called "Paris Pact process" which has been … framework for … number of important events and vigorous practical measures aimed at … mobilizing efforts of … international community to suppress … drug trafficking via Central and South-West Asia.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

… the initiative of the Russian Federation, … furtherance … the “Paris Pact process”, the Foreign Ministers and heads of delegations of 55 countries seriously affected … the traffic and abuse … opium and heroin produced … Afghanistan and 23 international organizations held … Moscow on 26-28 June 2006 their second conference … the subject. Bearing … mind the global character of the drug threat … Afghanistan, the Conference was entitled “Second Ministerial Conference … Drug Trafficking Routes … Afghanistan”. It was prepared … the Government of the Russian Federation … cooperation … the UNODC. The participants in the Conference were welcomed … the President of the Russian Federation.