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Учебное пособие ИЯПК(ИЗМ).doc
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  1. Answer the following questions

    1. What is the aim of the legal system of any state?

    2. What are the main branches of law in the UK?

    3. What is criminal law concerned with?

    4. What is the aim of civil law?

    5. What can be said about the distinction between criminal and civil matters?

    6. Do you agree that criminal and civil law sometimes overlap?

  1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases.

правоохранительная система государства;

противозаконные действия;

защищать общество;

нарушать закон;

потенциальный правонарушитель;

гражданские и уголовные дела;

четкое различие;

антиобщественные действия;

представлять серьёзную угрозу для общества.

  1. Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions.

  1. the hearing of statements in a court for the purpose of judging whether a person is guilty of a crime or for deciding a case;

  2. that division of law of a particular state, city or county dealing with interpretation and preservation of private and civil rights;

  3. to reach a decision or an agreement (about), or to end (a disagreement);

  4. a person whose job is to keep official records, esp. of births, deaths and marriages;

  5. something which is illegal or not morally acceptable;

  6. tending to prevent from acting, when there is difficulty or danger ahead;

  7. to fail to keep.

V. Complete the following table. Translate the words into Russian.


















VI. Which is the worst kind of crime in your opinion? Why? Discuss in a group.

VII. Read the text below and then decide which word best fits each space. Put the word you choose in the gap.

Crime – reversing the trend

Crime, as we are all aware, has been a growing problem all over the world in the last thirty years. But we are not (1) … against crime. Much is being done – and more can be done to reverse the trend. You can play a part in it.

The first step towards preventing crime is understanding its (2) … . Most crime is against property, not (3) …, and most is not carried out by professionals; nor is it carefully planned. Property crimes (4) … on the easy opportunity. They are often (5) … by adolescents and young men, the majority of whom stop offending as they grow older – the (6)… age for offending is fifteen. Also, and not surprisingly, the (7)… of being a victim of crime (8)… greatly depending on where you live.

This (9)… by criminals on the easy opportunity is the (10)… to much crime prevention. Motor cars, for example, are a sitting target for the criminal. Surveys have shown that approximately one in five drivers do not always (11)… to secure their cars by locking all the doors and shutting all the windows, and in 30 per cent of domestic burglaries the burglar simply walks in without having to use (12)… . If opportunities like this did not exist, criminals would have a much harder time. The chances are that many crimes would not be committed, which would release more police time for (13) … serious crime.

Of course, the primary responsibility for (14) … with crime tests with the police and the courts, but, if you care about improving the (15)… of life for yourself and your community, there are many ways you can help reverse the trend.

  1. A unprepared B hopeless C powerless D weak

  2. A nature B type C reason D method

  3. A the victim B the public C residents D citizens

  4. A increase B thrive C develop D happen

  5. A performed B started C committed D done

  6. A peak B major C maximum D top

  7. A percentage B seriousness C rate D risk

  8. A varies B adapts C transformed D adjusts

  9. A awareness B seizing C reliance D taking

  10. A answer B method C way D key

  11. A trouble B bother C care D ensure

  12. A force B threat C tools D tricks

  13. A removing B facing C tackling D dealing

  14. A containing B destroying C fighting D coping

  15. A quality B peacefulness C enjoyment D way

VIII. Make up sentences with the words you’ve chosen for fitting gaps in the text.