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XI. Make a summary of the text “Economic Customs Regimes”.

XII. Discuss the application of economic customs regimes with your partner.



Unit 4.1

The Legal Professions

4.1.1. Solicitors

Read the text to fulfil the tasks.

The legal profession is one of the most prestigious and well-paid in Britain. England is almost unique in having two different kinds of lawyers, with separate jobs in the legal system. There are two main branches, those of solicitors and barristers. Of these, barristers form the senior branch of the legal profession. Each branch has its own characteristic functions and a separate governing body. This system has been criticised in recent years because of the resulting duplication of services, delay in the legal process and its expense for consumers.

There are nearly 71,640 solicitors, who practise mainly in private firms, but also in local and central government, in legal centres, and in industry. The solicitors' branch is still a middle-class profession. In order to become a solicitor, it is now generally necessary to have a university degree, preferably but not essentially in law. After the total period of about six years' education and training, the new solicitor can practise law.

Solicitors deal with general legal work, though specialization in one area of the law is now widespread. Their firms offer a wide range of services, such as conveyancing (the buying and selling of property); probate (wills and succession after death); family matters; criminal and civil litigation; commercial cases; and tax and financial affairs.

The solicitor in the past was only able to appear for his client in the lower courts (county and magistrates' courts). Because he could not appear (had no rights of audience) in the higher courts, it is usual for a solicitor to hire a barrister if the case was to be heard in a superior court. Nowadays qualified solicitor-advocates have rights to appear for their clients in the higher courts.


  1. Learn these words

prestigious – престижный

duplication – удваивание

expense – расход

solicitor – солиситер, поверенный

conveyance – документ о передаче имущества

probate – утверждать завещание

litigation – тяжба

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Why is the legal profession the most prestigious in England?

  2. What do solicitors practise in?

  3. What is necessary to become a solicitor?

  4. Qualified solicitor-advocates have rights to appear for their clients in the higher courts, haven’t they?

  1. Fill in the questionnaire as if you were a solicitor.

  1. In Britain a solicitor must ___________.

  1. choose the examination;

  2. take one final examination;

  3. take professional examinations.

  1. In England to become a solicitor it is necessary ______________.

  1. to have a university degree in law;

  2. to be the client in the higher courts;

  3. to appoint agency personnel.

  1. The solicitor usually deals with __________.

  1. criminal and civil litigation;

  2. arguing cases;

  3. presenting cases in any court.

  1. Solicitors specialize in ___________.

  1. arguing cases in front of a judge;

  2. one area of the law;

  3. hiring magistrates.