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4.1. Read text ¹ 4 about managers’ skills. There are 9 of them mentioned. Make the list of them and discuss the following:

a) Which skills are the most important? Why do you think so?

b) Describe the way you understand each of 9 skills. Can you give examples?


“… Peter had decided to recommend locating the new facility in a more favorable labour climate.”

It’s easy to read.

It’s important to arrive on time.

The secretary types well.

He knocked loudly; it woke us up.

I read good books; I enjoy it.

I smoke cigars. Do you mind?

First I have breakfast; then I leave for work.

We manufacture the parts ourselves, that lowers our costs.

Reading is easy.

Arriving on time is important.

The secretary’s typing is good.

His loud knocking woke us up.

I enjoy reading good books.

Do you mind my smoking cigars?

After having breakfast I leave for work.

By manufacturing the parts ourselves we lower our costs.

Exercise 1. Use Gerunds to complete the following sentences:

Example: I walk to work.

I don’t mind walking to work.

  1. I travel by plane.

I enjoy __________

  1. I work for him. I started last week.

I started __________ .

  1. It’s easy to learn a language. I started __________ .

_________is easy.

  1. I typed the letter yesterday. I finished at 3:00 p.m.

I finished ________

  1. We’ll save money if we build our own factory.

_________ will save us money.

Exercise 2. Make new sentences using Gerunds.

Example: He called yesterday; I don’t remember it.

I don’t remember his calling yesterday.

  1. She left the office early; her boss didn’t mind.

  2. I got up late; that made us miss the plane.

  3. He agreed with our suggestion. Do you remember?

  4. We drove fast; that resulted in an accident.

  5. She found a new job; Joe told me about it.

Exercise 3.

Example. The secretary typed up the memos; she didn’t stop.

(without) She typed up the memos without stopping.

  1. We’ll buy new equipment, as a result, we’ll increase production.

(by) _________

  1. I went out in the train; as a result, I caught a cold.

(as a result of) _________

  1. The director read the reports, then he made his decision.

(after) ________

  1. He sold more than any other salesman; he got a raise.

(for) __________

  1. I waited for the elevator and talked to the receptionist.

(while) __________

  1. John talked the matter over with his wife, then he accepted the offer.

(before) _________

  1. This man is very young, but he’s had a lot o experience.

(in spite of) ________

  1. I began my lesson a month ago; I’ve learned a lot.


  1. I drive to work; I usually listen to the radio during the trip.


  1. I decided to buy a new car and not to take vacation.

(instead of)________

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences with Gerund into Russian.

  1. Production control methods involve planning.

  2. Understanding requires the reader’s attention.

  3. Accounts area is concerned with handling financial operations.

  4. The company cut costs by shifting production to cheaper locations.

  5. Granting credit always implies some degree of risk.

  6. Managing stock and work in progress is achieved by using special 80/20 rule.

  7. Accuracy in invoicing should be aimed for.

  8. Every communication applies to a person’s mind to accepting more information.

  9. The purpose of advertising may be anything from increasing brand awareness to improving specific aspects of he brand image.

  10. Sometimes it is worth including questions themselves as subheadings in the text.

Exercise 5. Complete sentences choosing Gerunds from the list.

breaking up, getting, giving, charging, maintaining, reading, handling, selling, showing, describing.

  1. Advertising is a very important part of ___________ to the customer on order to create favourable prejudice.

  2. ___________ even a simple object to someone who has never seen it can be very difficult.

  3. One of the fundamental aids to affective ___________ is the making of notes.

  4. The idea of marketing should use all its efforts to ________ the customers what they want, at a profit.

  5. The process of marketing includes a whole range of activities relating to ________ the product.

  6. ________ more for products or services seems a relatively easy way to improve results.

  7. Accounts area is responsible for ________ the financial side of the business operations.

  8. Stock control area is concerned with _________ a current up-to-date list of inventory of stock held by a business.

  9. Newsmen and television reporters are known the world over for not ________ proper respect to governmental leaders.

  10. It is often worth while ________ your reading time into thirty-minute stints.

Exercise 6. Choose the right preposition:

of, for, instead of, to

  1. It is possible to define the role ____ advertising.

  2. The methods ___ securing the reductions are more effective _____ purchasing.

  3. Delivery is made as soon as goods are ready ____ storing them.

  4. In a small business one person may be responsible _____ purchasing and accounting.

  5. Once they know what is important to the individual employee, managers then have the key ____ motivating that person.

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