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Устн речь 2.doc
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  1. A. Active Vocabulary Nouns and Noun Phrases

advance – продвижение вперёд, успех, прогресс

application – применение, использование; прикладная задача

capacity – 1) ёмкость, 2) мощность

chip – 1) кристалл (ИС) 2) интегральная схема, ИС; микросхема

computer-aided design – автоматизированное проектирование

control – 1) управление, регулирование, 2) контроль

consumer electronics – бытовая электроника

design – 1) проектирование, конструирование, 2) проект, 3) конструкция

facility – устройство, средство, оборудование, аппаратура

foundation – основание; основа

high technology – новейшая технология

information processing – обработка информации

major - специализация

management – управление, организация

manufacture – производство, изготовление

playback – проигрывание, считывание

reliability – надёжность

Verbs and Verbal Phrases

alter – 1) изменять, 2) вносить изменения

concern – касаться, иметь отношение

deal (dealt, dealt) with – иметь дело (с кем-либо, чем-либо)

embrace - охватывать

imagine – воображать, представлять себе

imply - предполагать

reduce – уменьшать, сокращать


digital – цифровой

portable – портативный, переносной

rapid – быстрый

thorough –полный, совершенный, основательный

topical – актуальный, животрепещущий

B. Passive Vocabulary

blood vessel – кровеносный сосуд

cash register – кассовый аппарат

computerized axial tomography (CAT, CT) – аксиальная томография, управляемая ЭВМ

definition – 1) форматирование рисунка, 2) чёткость, резкость (изображения)

discriminate – отличать, различать

electron-beam lithography– электронно-лучевая литография

eliminate – устранять, исключать

enhance – увеличивать, повышать

extensive – обширный

fidelity – точность воспроизведения

imaging – формирование изображений

ion-beam implantation – ионная имплантация

long-haul system – система дальней связи

maintenance – техническое обслуживание и ремонт

necessitate – делать необходимым, требовать, неизбежно влечь за собой

night vision – ночноe видение

penetration –проникновение

problem-oriented – проблемно-ориентированный

radio amateur – радиолюбитель

respiratory – респираторный, дыхательный

safety device – защитное устройство

sight – прицел, визир; зрение

switch – переключать, коммутировать

substitute – заменять, замещать

superconductor – сверхпроводник

three-dimensional integrated circuit – трёхмерная интегральная схема

vision – система технического зрения

Class Vocabulary Exercises

  1. Repeat and translate into Russian:

  1. the following words with the stress on the first syllable

alter, digital, enterprise, foreign, management, playback, rapid, thorough, topical

  1. the following words with the stress on the second syllable

advance, capacity, control, design, environment, facility, foundation, imagine, reduce, consumer, computer, technology

  1. the following words and word combinations with two or more stresses

application, information, manufacture, reliability, computer-aided design, consumer electronics, hand-held computer, high technology, information processing

                1. Repeat and translate the following sentences.

  1. At the Faculty of Computer-Aided Design students are trained in four specialties.

  2. The computer electronics involves engineers in design and manufacture of memory systems, central processing units, and peripheral devices.

  3. One current trend in computer engineering is the microminiaturization.

  4. We can’t imagine the modern world without radio electronic devices.

  5. Watches, audio-and video devices, portable radio stations are only a few examples of such facilities.

  6. Among the most important subjects in this field are integrated circuits, control systems, computer design, consumer electronics.

  7. Digital storage may alter library storage systems.

  8. The specialty “Electronic-Optical Instrument-Making” is concerned with developing up-to-date electronic-optical devices.

  9. To produce such equipment, high technologies and computer systems for design-and production automation are necessary.

  10. The specialty “Medical Electronics” is very topical nowadays.

  1. Form and translate into Russian:

  1. nouns of the following verbs using the suffixes –ment, -er/ -or, -ion

to develop, to improve, to equip, to manage, to compute, to point, to draft, to design, to process, to conduct, to manipulate, to manufacture, to record, to test;

to distribute, to transmit, to produce, to communicate, to inform, to operate, to specialize

  1. verbs of the following nouns

implantation, switching, storage, concentration, container, maintenance, application, definition, foundation, training, designer

                1. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with similar meaning:

  1. up-to-date, rapid, to compute, current, to train, trend, speed, handling, to use, manufacture, and the like, research, mainly, extensively, to change, to replace, dimension, to switch on, to reduce, significant, in the field of, environment, complicated, advanced;

  2. modern, quick, to calculate, fabrication, widely, to lower, velocity, processing, to apply, investigation, turn on, surround, complex, progressive, size, in the sphere of, to alter, to substitute, passing now, to teach, tendency, similar things, chiefly, important.

                1. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with contrary meaning

  1. increase, clean, to reduce, high, fast, to switch on, wide, direct, possible, solid, important, reliable, include, to leave;

  2. to switch off, decrease, low, slow, narrow, dirty, to enhance, impossible, indirect, liquid, unimportant, unreliable, to exclude, to enter.

                1. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations

  1. Physics, acquire, of, knowledge, a, thorough, students.

  2. They, master, languages, also, programming.

  3. After, from, the University, graduating, students, any, enterprise, radio electronic, work, can, at.

  4. These, can, systems, more and more, of, discriminate, organs, of the body, human, the.

  5. Electronics, wide application, of, modern, advances in, is characterized, by, medicine, a.

  6. Expert systems, for processing, biomedical, information, are used.

  7. The specialty, is, highly, promising, electronic-optical, instrument-making.

  8. Products, electronic-optical, are, used, in a wide range, applications, of.

  9. This specialty, with developing, is concerned, electronic – optical, up-to-date, devices.

  10. Digital watches, systems, based, are, hand-held, computers, and electronic, on microprocessors, game

Special Difficulties

  1. Translate the following word combinations into Russian

Model: a) input device – входное устройство; устройство ввода

b) speech recognition equipment – устройство распознавания речи

c) optical fiber communication line – волоконно-оптическая линия связи

  1. system cost, memory system, safety device, consumer electronics, silicon chip, control system, computer design, power transmission, power distribution, television screen, night vision, information technology;

  2. library storage system, television picture tube, electron-beam lithography, ion-beam implantation, fire-control system, home video system, information-handling task;

  3. ultrahigh definition television, long-haul system, central processing unit, integrated circuit technology, solid-state electronics, digital playback device, general-purpose computer, special-purpose computer, random-access memory.

  1. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives according to the model

Model: a) broad – broader – broadest

b) expensive – more expensive, most expensive

  1. small, fast, wide, low, high, large, great, long, clean, light, tiny.

  2. rapid, modern, important, possible, topical, prestigious, promising, special, flexible, common, advanced.

  1. Change the sentences according to the model and translate them into Russian

Model: The transistor has now almost completely replaced the vacuum tube in most of its applications. The vacuum tube has been replaced by the transistor in most of its applications.

  1. The development of integrated circuit has revolutionized the fields of communications, information handling, and computing.

  2. Designers have developed very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits.

  3. Scientists have directed much of the research in electronics towards creating even smaller chips.

  4. Specialists have used control systems for keeping spacecraft on course.

  5. Engineers have concentrated research on the improvement of integrated circuit technology.

  6. Computer designers have increased the speed of computer operations through the use of parallel processors, superconductors, and the like.

  7. This storage system has stored much more information on a disk.

  8. Ultrahigh definition television has replaced many photographic processes.

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