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Home Vocabulary Exercises

  1. Arrange the following words into your own sentences

  1. factories, into, release, the atmosphere, some, and plants, substances, harmful

  2. itself, soil, destroys, the nation, that, destroys, its, (Franklin D. Roosevelt).

  3. draw, public, to mass media, problems, ecological, attention

  4. deals, ecology, the relationships, with, nature, of, man, and

  5. was, the exhaust, from, the air, black

  6. acres, forests, the earth, 20 million, of, every, tropical, year, loses

  7. quality, scandalously, is, our, low, water

  8. chemicals, of, all, are, kinds, the rivers, into, pouring, and streams

II. Fill in the blanks with the words given below

  1. Terrible … to the environment have been headlined on TV and in the press.

  2. Greenpeace began with … into a nuclear test zone.

  3. Nuclear … … at sea has been stopped.

  4. New laws … the North Sea have been promised.

  5. Pandas and chimps are on the verge of becoming …

  6. The government takes measures to prevent … of water …

  7. Our cities … air pollution.

  8. Special effective systems enable us … the amount of harmful … … in the air.

  9. Scientific farming produces products that are grown without …

suffer from, to reduce, a protest voyage, abuses, the pollution, chemical waste, resources, waste dumping, to protect, pesticides, extinct

III. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given: in, into, to, from, with, by, on, for

  1. Big cites pump large quantities of CO2 … the air.

  2. Where does the pollution come … ?

  3. Rivers can also be polluted … industrial waste … factories and chemical fertilizers.

  4. Mexico, Chicago and Tokyo are covered … soot and dirt.

  5. Poisonous gases bring damages … our health.

  6. More than 200 million people depend … the tropical forests.

  7. Seventy percent of the earth is covered … oceans. Oceans are vital to life … earth. They provide homes … millions of plants and animals, provide people … food and help regulate the climate.

  8. The Baltic Sea has suffered … oil and industrial waste products.

  9. Poisonous gases dissolve … water and then fall … the earth as acid rain

        1. Translate into English

  1. Загрязнение воздуха наносит вред здоровью человека.

  2. Парниковый эффект влияет на климатические условия во всем мире.

  3. Озоновый слой защищает нашу планету от вредного воздействия ультрафиолетовых лучей.

  4. Тропические леса поглощают CO2 и помогают контролировать уровень глобального потепления.

  5. Многие виды животных и растений исчезают с лица Земли.

  6. Кислотные дожди разрушают реки, почву и леса.

  7. Уровень загрязнения воздуха в Минске очень высок.

  8. Сброс вредных отходов в океан продолжается.

  9. Взрыв на Чернобыльской атомной станции в 1986 г. нанес непоправимый вред окружающей среде не только Республики Беларусь, но и всей Европы.

  10. Человечество только начинает осознавать масштабы экологической трагедии.

Text Comprehension Exercises

  1. Listen to the text '' Living on Planet Earth'' and answer the following questions:

  1. The problem of environmental pollution has become the most important one for mankind, hasn’t it?

  2. Are the problems facing the environment vast and diverse?

  3. Where is smog usually found in?

  1. Listen to the text again and say which of the following replies is correct

  1. a) air pollution in Mexico City remains the worst.

b) New York City is one the most polluted cities in the US.

c) air pollution in London is now reaching tremendous proportions.

  1. a) the depletion of the ozone layer is caused by the growth of population.

b) the depletion of the ozone layer is caused by substances called CFCs.

c) the depletion of the ozone layer is caused by CO2.

  1. a) many plant and animal species will survive in the future.

b) the extinction of chimps and pandas occurred millions of years ago.

c) many plant and animal species could become extinct.

  1. a) acid rain is responsible for the decline of mankind.

b) acid rain is responsible for the decline of many fish populations.

c) acid rain is responsible for the decline of many forest ecosystems in the world.

  1. a) scientists say the temperature of the earth could rise by 3°C over the next 100 years.

b) scientists say the temperature of the earth could rise by 3°C over the next 50 years.

c) scientists say the temperature of the earth couldn’t rise over the next 50 years.

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