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  1. Active Vocabulary Noun and noun phrases

contamination – загрязнение, заражение

consequence - последствие

damage – повреждение, ущерб; bring damages to – наносить вред

disaster - бедствие, несчастье

drought - засуха

dump – свалка

environment – окружающая среда

exhaust pump – выхлопная труба

fertilizer - удобрение

flood – наводнение, половодье

fume – дым, испарение

species (pl без измен.) – вид, род, разновидность

surface – поверхность, внешность

waste – отбросы (производства), расточительство

Verbs and verbal phrases

affect– воздействовать, влиять

breathe – дышать, дуть

cause – причинять, вызывать

decline – отклонять, подходить к концу, ухудшаться

deplete – истощать, исчерпывать

devastate – опустошать, разорять

dissolve – растворять(ся), таять, испарять(ся)

estimate - оценивать

exhaust – истощать, исчерпывать, (n) – выпуск, выхлоп

interact - взаимодействовать

oblige – обязывать, заставлять

occur – иметь место, случаться

pollute – загрязнять (with) чем-либо

pour (into, in) - наливать

protect – охранять, защищать

scatter – разбрасывать, рассыпать

suffer (from) – страдать, терпеть


diverse – иной, отличный, разнообразный

extinct – потухший, вымерший

hazardous - рискованный

B. Passive Vocabulary

abiotic (adj) - неживой

abiology (n) – учение о неживой природе

abuse (n) – злоупотребление, оскорбление

acid (n) - кислота

cancer (n) – рак (мед.)

сhallenge (n) – вызов, оклик, призыв

indelible (a) – нестираемый, неизгладимый

inextricable (a) – сложный, запутанный, неразрешимый

kin (a) родственный

oneness – единство, тождество

punishment (n) наказание

reward (n) – награда; (v) – воздавать, награждать

shield (v) – защищать, заслонять

survey (n) – обозрение, осмотр; (v) – обозревать, производить съемки

sustainable (a) – зд. устойчивый, надежный

tissue (n) - ткань

thyroid (n) – щитовидная железа

Class Vocabulary Exercises

      1. Repeat and translate into Russian.

a) the following words with the stress on the first syllable:

atmosphere, stratosphere, area, damage, ocean, climate, era, suffer, hazardous, nature, species, fertilizer, thyroid, global, surface, weather, substance, accident, punishment, nuclear, survey, oneness

b) the following words with the stress on the second syllable:

ecology, pollution, dissolve, resources, extinct, disaster, exhaust, evacuate, immune, effect, protect, depletion, control, alternative, oblige, abuse

c) the following words and word combinations with 2 or more stresses:

contamination, interact, environment, devastation, civilization, ultraviolet, radiation, population, radioactive, international, organization, exploitation

      1. Repeat and translate into Russian the following sentences

  1. The earth is an integral system.

  2. The problem of environment pollution has become the most important one.

  3. The growth of industrialization is changing the climate of our planet.

  4. Water, air and soil are becoming more and more polluted.

  5. It is difficult to predict changes in the environment accurately.

  6. The law obliges people to protect nature.

  7. Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers.

  8. Natural resources should be used economically.

  9. It is urgent to build cleaning systems to avoid the pollution of rivers.

  10. Many plants and factories have been removed from the city.

  11. At least one unique life form disappears from our planet every day.

      1. Form

a) nouns from the following verbs using the suffixes –tion; -or; -er; -ance:

to apply, to protect, to suffer, to contaminate, to collect, to operate, to select, to explore, to resist

b) verbs from the following nouns:

development, lecturer, inventor, achievement, movement, equipment, influence, discovery, resistance, introduction, population

c) adjectives from nouns using the suffix –ous, -ant, -ent:

number, fame, variety, tremble, monotony, poison, anxiety, mountain, environment, distance, consequence, absence, presence

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