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  1. Active Vocabulary

Nouns and Noun Phrases

application –применение

applied physics – прикладная физика

consequence – последствие

consumption – потребление

control system – система управления

current – ток

efficiency – эффективность, производительность

exploration – исследование

flow of electrons – поток электронов

frequence - частота

indication – указание, показание

loss – потеря

manufacture – производство

missile – ракета

rate of growth – темп роста

realm – область, мир

scale – шкала, масштаб

significance – важность

wire – провод


Advanced – передовой, совершенный

bulky – большой, громоздкий

remote – отдалённый

significant – важный

single – единственный

sophisticated – (зд.) сложный

tiny – крошечный

tremendous – огромный

unprecedented - беспрецедентный

variable – изменчивый

Verbs and Verbal Phrases

Be concerned with - заниматься

deal with – иметь дело с

involve in - вовлекать

pursue – проводить

range from …to – простираться от…до

recover – получать обратно

transmit – передавать

store – запасать, хранить

  1. Special Terminology

adding – прибавление, присоединение

amplifying – усиление

binary number – двоичное число

capacitor – конденсатор

consumer electronics – бытовая электронная аппаратура

digital information – цифровая информация

electrical engineering equipment – электротехническое оборудование

electron-beam lithography – электронолитография

fiber optics – волоконная оптика

ion-beam implantation – ионная имплантация

interference - помеха

Class Vocabulary Exercises

I. Repeat and translate into Russian

  1. the following words with the stress on the first syllable:

science, system, signal, circuit, complex, voltage, current, error, frequency, storage, several

  1. the following words with the stress on the second syllable:

economy, concern, involve, electrical, electron, equipment, development, device, among, machinery, design, control, efficiency, advance, reception, immunity

  1. the following words and word combinations with two or more stresses:

application, manufacture, superconductor, distribution, communication, generation, introduction, indication, implantation, electronics, interference

II. Repeat and translate into Russian the following sentences

  1. Electrical engineering is the largest field of engineering.

  2. Electrical engineering is concerned with the development and design, application and manufacture of systems and devices that use electric power and signals.

  3. Electrical engineering can be divided into four main branches: electric power and machinery, radio engineering and electronics, communications and control, and computers.

  4. Electronics, field of engineering and applied physics, deals with the research, design, integration and application of devices, usually electronic circuits.

  5. Electronics engineers design circuits to perform specific tasks.

  6. Control systems are used in aircraft and ships, in military fire-control systems, in power transmission and distribution, in robotics.

  7. Digital systems are replacing analog ones at the same time that fiber optics are replacing copper cables.

  8. Digital systems offer far greater immunity to electrical noise.

  9. By means of radar installations aircraft and missiles can be detected at great distance.

10) Radio electronics is branch of engineering of the utmost consequence in every branch of the national economy.

III. Form and translate into Russian

  1. nouns of the following verbs using the suffixes –er/or, -tion, -ment, design, operate, reduce, research, connect, involve, construct, detect, equip, receive, connect, fabricate, involve

  2. verbs of the following nouns

generation, transmission, introduction, involvement, distribution, interference,

application, creation, solution, performance, manufacturer, communication

IV. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with similar meaning

  1. fast, diverse, task, important, error, diversity, reason, main, high,

continue, deal with

  1. significant, tall, be concerned with, quick, variety, go on, mistake, cause, goal, various, principal

V. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with contrary meaning

  1. reduce, back, advance, tiny, single, complex, creating, rapidly,

modern, wide

  1. outmoded, narrow, increase, slowly, simple, destruction, front,

numerous, huge, failure

  1. Make up your own sentences with the following words and word


electrical engineering, electric power and signals, to transmit power,

significant advance, electronics engineers, advanced technology,

radio electronics, increasing complexity, countless innovations

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