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Text Comprehension Exercises

I. Listen to the text “The Faculty of Telecommunications“ and answer the following questions

  1. How many specialties and majors does the Faculty have?

  2. What can telecommunications offer us?

  3. Where are telecommunications engineers required?

  4. What has stimulated the growth of telecommunications industry?

II. Listen to the text again and say which of the following replies is correct

1. The Faculty of Telecommunications was a) reorganized; b) founded; c) dismissed in 1980.

2. Computer-based telecommunications services a) gained their popularity; b) lost their popularity; c) became unpopular through the Internet and World Wide Web.

3. There is an increasing demand for a) qualified specialists; b) good teachers; c) advanced students.

  1. Telecommunications enables people to access information a) daily; b) simultaneously; c) instantly.

5. The advance of a) up-to-date; b) obsolete; c) complicated telecommunications systems has stimulated the growth of communication industry.

Text Exercises

I. Read the text and find in it English equivalents of the following words and word combinations

защита информации, многоканальные системы телекоммуникаций, передача и обработка информации, радиосвязь, радиовещание, сети и устройства телекоммуникаций, системы автоматической коммутации, средства обмена информацией, развитие сложных систем телекоммуникаций, исследовательская лаборатория при кафедре, доцент, доктор наук, кандидат наук, подразумевать, мгновенный доступ к информации, отдаленные районы, телефонная станция, основной носитель информации

II. Read the text and answer the following questions

  1. What does telecommunication enable people to do?

  2. When did telephone become the most familiar form of telecommunications?

  3. What is taken for granted nowadays?

  4. What has the telecommunications industry blossomed with?

  5. What has stimulated the growth of telecommunication industry?

  6. Why is there an increasing demand for skilled workers?

  7. When was the Faculty of Telecommunications established?

  8. Who does the teaching staff consist of?

  9. Where are the experiments and investigations being carried out?

  10. What specialties does the Faculty offer to its students?

  11. What majors does the specialty of telecommunications systems have?

  12. What major does the specialty of metrology, standardization and certification have?

  13. Where are the telecommunications engineers employed?

  14. What are the telecommunications engineers’ duties?

III. Agree or disagree with the following questions, in your answers use the following expressions of agreement: Yes, that’s right. or disagreement: Sorry, it is not right.

Yes, that’s correct. I’m afraid it is not quite right.

I should say it is perfectly correct I think this information is


I fully agree. It’s all wrong.

Nothing wrong with that. I’m afraid it’s wrong.

  1. Recently telephone has become the most familiar form of telecommunications.

  2. There is a growing demand for qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications.

  3. The Faculty of Telecommunications was created in 1964.

  4. Telecommunications is a process of sending or receiving messages over long distances.

  5. The Internet enables people around the world to contact one another.

  6. Telecommunications engineers only develop and design telecommunications systems.

IV. Develop the following ideas, use the words and word combinations provided in brackets.

  1. Telecommunications is a process of sending and receiving information (messages, telephone, telegraph, television, radio, long distance, exchange, means, remote areas, key medium).

  2. The telecommunications industry has blossomed with the advent of new technologies (advance, sophisticated, be supplemented with, familiar, provide, to take for granted, fibre optics, improved, stimulate, demand).

  3. The Faculty of Telecommunications is an educational and scientific centre (be established, departments, teachers, laboratories, carry out, specialties, majors).

  4. Telecommunications engineers work at different enterprises (be employed, maintain, install, equipment, facilities, research institutes, be in great demand, telephone exchange).

V. Extend the following statements, use the text for your reference

  1. The Faculty offers two specialties.

  2. Telecommunications engineers are in great demand at different enterprises in the field of telecommunications and radio electronics.

  3. The teaching staff consists of a number of qualified specialists.

  4. The telecommunications industry has progressed with the advent of new technologies.

VI. Speak on:

  1. the development of telecommunications industry,

  2. the Faculty of Telecommunications and its majors,

  3. the employment prospects of telecommunications engineers.

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