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Special difficulties

I. Translate into Russian the following sentences. Pay special attention to the use of neither …, nor

1. Neither the employees, nor their boss know all the details of the company’s promotion strategy. 2. Neither the first, nor the second candidate has made any impression on the voters. 3. What’s your opinion on the issue discussed ? – In my opinion, neither profit margins, nor economic resources were properly identified.

II. Choose and use the words have/ have to.

1. The manager … a pretty busy schedule for today. 2. Do I … analyze the incoming mail in, Sir? 3.What are the responsibilities in this job? What will I … do? 4. If you … any ideas concerning this brand name promotion, you’ll … share them with us… 5. It’s quite easy … this work done. You just … make some instructions to the staff.

III. Turn the following sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice and translate them into Russian:

1. Economic issues have occupied people's minds throughout the ages. 2. Entrepreneurs seek as much profit as they can extract from their operations. 3. Economists have developed methods for studying and explaining how individuals, businesses and nations use their available economic resources. 4. Governments also employ economists to study economic problems as well as ways to solve them. 5. Large corporations use economists to study the ways how to manage businesses most efectively and efficiently. 6. Economic forces also influence decisions in the world of business.

Home Vocabulary Exercises

    1. Arrange the following words into your own sentences:

1. The, management, authorities, or, made, of, resources, is, by, the, government. 2. There, a, of, limit, are, on, to, sale, you, but, have, your, goods, selection, lot. 3. We, get, the, most, positions, from, should, our, situation, the, to regain. 4. People, have, economic, by, occupied, always, been, issues. 5. Economic, are, wishes, people’s, to, and, demands, satisfy, used, resources. 6. What, supply, forces, and, economic, demand, influence?

    1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

1. Economics is the science that deals with … , … and … of commodities. 2 … try to spend their income in ways that give them as much pleasure as possible. 3. The more you get informed on the subject, the better … decisions you'll be able to make. 4. Inadequate aggregate … increases unemployment. 5. … suggests modern explanations of national income and employment.

Production, consumers, distribution, income, demand, consumption, macroeconomics, economic

III. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given below:

On, up, with, from, in, for

1. To get the most … this situation you should deal … our executive director. 2. The government must focus … the question how to spend taxpayers’ money more efficiently. 3. Knowledge in economics is very helpful … performing the duties of executive director. 4. Could you suggest any ways … making our budget more profitable. 5. This house is … sale.

    1. Translate into English:

1. Экономисты заметили, что не существует предела количеству и разновидностям товаров, которые люди хотят купить. 2. Другими словами, национальные ресурсы полностью задействованы, и единственным способом увеличить производство какого-нибудь товара будет сокращение производства какого-нибудь другого товара. 3. Принимая решения, люди и правительства стараются экономить. 4. Экономика – это наука о проблемах производства, распределения, обмена и потребления товаров и услуг. 5. Большие корпорации пользуются услугами экономистов для изучения способов ведения бизнеса и разработки методов более эффективного использования своих служащих, оборудования, фабрик и других ресурсов. 6. Макроэкономика ведет свое начало с книги известного английского экономиста Кейнса «Общая теория занятости, капиталовложений и денежных средств».

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