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18. Translate into English.

15 самых необычных законов  1 .США. Штат Юта. Округ Солт Лэйк. Запрещается расхаживать по улицам, если вы несете скрипку в бумажном пакете.  2. Сан-Франциско. Если лошадь сделает кучу навоза, которая превышает высоту в 2 м, ее оштрафуют.  3. Техас. Дэвон. Если вы делаете себе мебель, то делайте, сколько угодно. Но при одном важном условии: нельзя быть голым.  4. Калифорния. Здесь автомобилю разрешается ехать до 100 км/час… без водителя.  5. Южная Каролина. Если сегодня воскресенье, а вы стоите с женой на ступеньках у входа в дом, то вам запрещено ее избивать. На любое другое время и место ограничений нет. 6. Нью-Йорк. Если вы решили покончить жизнь самоубийством, спрыгнув с крыши здания, то вам за это дадут высшую меру наказания.  7. Пенсильвания. Дэнвил. За час до того, как где-то случится пожар, все пожарные гидранты должны пройти тест на пригодность.  8. Пенсильвания. Запрещено привязывать доллар за веревочку и смеяться, когда кто-то его пытается догнать.  9. Калифорния. Сан-Франциско. Здесь нельзя мыть машины своим грязным бельем.  10. Франция. Запрещено продавать куклы, у которых нечеловеческие лица..  11. Саудовская Аравия. Джидди. Женщины не имеют права купаться в бассейнах любых отелей.  12. Самоа. Если вы забыли день рождения жены, то это уже преступление.  13. Лондон. Если вы садитесь в такси, то нельзя иметь при себе труп или бешеную собаку.


Listen to a letter from a lawyer to her colleague and mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1 __ The two attorneys will work together.

2 ___The client is currently in police custody.

3 ___ The client was allowed to plea for a lesser charge.

Choose the correct word pair to fill the blanks.

1. In order to ______ the suspect, the officer needs a ______.

A arrest – warrant

B book in – plea bargain

C charge – sentence

2. The lawyer didn’t agree with the _____so she _____ the ruling.

A bail – charged

B sentence – appealed

C pre-trial motions – pleaded

3. Paul was _____ with the crime and he _____ guilty to theft.

A appealed – sentenced

B sentenced – charged

C charged – pleaded

4. Fred was not granted _____ because he has been _____ before.

A bail – convicted

B sentence – pleaded

C plea bargain – appealed

Read the sentence and choose the correct words:

1. The lawyers entered a(n) (plea bargain/arraignment) to get their clients a lighter charge.

2. Kevin is still being held in police (bail/custody).

3. The defendant was charged at the (arraignment/pre-trial motions).

4. Ian was taken to the police station and (booked/sentenced).

5. The judge decided there was enough evidence to continue at the (preliminary hearing/plea bargain).

6. The defense asked to exclude evidence during the (pre-trial motions/bail).

Listen to a conversation between an attorney and a legal assistant. Which of the document below did Helen forget to put in the file?

1 __ the details of the warrant

2 __ the details of bail

3 __ the details of the arraignment

4 __ the details of the plea bargain

5 __ the details of the pre-trial motion

Listen again and complete the conversation:

Attorney: Well, Helen left me the file on the Ingman case, but there are a few important things 1 ______ from it.

Assistant: Really? Hmm… they’re probably 2 ____ ____ ____.

Attorney: Do you mind helping me look for them?

Assistant: No problem. What’s missing?

Attorney: Well, I’ve got the details of the 3 _____ , but I don’t have anything on the withdrawing of bail.

Assistant: Okay I think this is it, isn’t it?

Attorney: That looks like it. Next, I need the 4 ____ of the arraignment.

Assistant: Oh, that’s right here on top of this 5 ____ ____ _____.

Attorney: Let’s see… I’ve got the documents about the plea bargain … oh, she prepared some work for the 6 _____ _____ . If you could find that, it’d save me a lot of time.26


Read the following text and write what kinds of offences Annette committed and what kind of punishment she could be given.

Annette Forbes is Head of the Marketing division of the Computer Company. She went to the University, has a good job and a good family. She has always been a law-abiding citizen.

One day she arrived a little late at work and had to park her car in a non-parking zone. Later she took a client out to a business lunch and drank jin with tonic and half a bottle of wine to celebrate an important new contract. When driving back to work, she was stopped by a policeman who tested her for alcohol. He told her she would be disqualified from driving for a year. Annette who needed a car for her work asked him to forget about it in return for a newest home computer.

Topic 2. The Trial

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