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5. Finish the following sentences, using tail questions.

  1. Britain has no national police force, ____ ?

  2. Great Britain is divided into 52 areas, _____ ?

  3. Each police force is controlled by a local authority, ____ ?

  4. In most countries policemen carry guns, ____ ?

  5. In Britain policemen do not carry guns in their day-to-day work, ___ ?

  6. British policemen have ranks like in the army, ____ ?

  7. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force, __?

  8. Detectives do not wear uniforms, ____ ?

6. Find equivalents to the following Russian words and phrases in the text above:

Центральное правительство, местные власти, сотрудничать, носить оружие, использовать огнестрельное оружие, вооруженное ограбление, охранять политиков и дипломатов, специальная учебная практика, Отдел уголовных расследований, носить форму, обязанности полиции, поддерживать правопорядок.

7. Read the interview with a police officer. Dramatize it. Then sum up the information you learnt from the interview about the British police.

  • What is it like to be a police officer in London?

We asked Karen Giles, an experience Metropolitan Police Officer.

  • How long have you been a police officer?

I joined the Metropolitan Police Service which is based in London and Greater London just over twenty eight years ago. It is a very large police force with about thirty one thousand police officers and sixteen thousand civilian staff. The City of London has its own police service.

  • Why did you decide to become a police officer?

I decided to join the police service after a police woman visited my school when I was about fifteen years old. I live in a small town in the South West of England and my mother was very worries when I decided to travel to London to join the police.

  • What is your typical working day?

I work on the response team which means that we answer calls made to Scotland Yard and the local police station by people from the local community. We deal with family arguments, people who have had their homes broken into, assaults – lots of very different situations.

It is a challenging job and there are many different aspects to policing a large city. Some of my colleagues have police dogs, some ride police horse, others ride police motorbikes and many work in plain clothes.

I work shifts which means that I work two early turns (06.00-14.00 or 15.00), two late turns (13.00-23.00) and then two night duties (21.00-06.00) and then I have four days off.

  • What are the most challenging aspects of your job?

It is difficult sometimes because there are many tragic situations which need to be dealt with by police – people who die suddenly as a result of accidents or who have been attacked. It is important to be compassionate and strong in these situations.

  • Are British police officers armed?

Most British police officers do not carry firearms. There are teams of officers who have extra training an carry guns but they are only called in for very serious incidents where perhaps a person has used a gun.

  • What skills and personal qualities do you need to be a police officer?

The skills you need as a police officer in the UK are varied. You need a very good sense of humour, a strong constitution (can’t faint at the sight of blood!), a sense of duty in serving the community, like talking to people (I talk a lot!) and most of all believe in the importance of law and order.

  1. Find equivalents to the following Russian words and phrases in the interview above and explain in what situations they were used in the text:

Опытный, Столичная полиция, Большой Лондон, штатский персонал, сойти с поезда, пугаться, иметь дело с кем-либо, спор, совершать кражу со взломом, нападение, работать посменно, смена, сострадательный, случай (происшествие), умения(навыки), качество, разнообразный, телосложение (конституция), упасть в обморок.

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