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13. A) Work in pairs. Take it in turns to react to the statements below. Use the expressions for expressing opinion from the previous exercise.

  1. Zoos are cruel and unnecessary. They should be closed down and the animals returned to the wild.

  2. All children should have a pet. Caring for an animal helps them learn to be more responsible.

  3. People shouldn’t be allowed to keep dogs if they live in a small flat.

  4. Animals have exactly the same rights as human beings.

  5. There are more important things in the world to worry about than cruelty to animals.

  6. Hunting animals is a crime.

B) Work in pairs. Read the list of activities that animal rights movements campaign against. Then discuss the questions below.

  • testing cosmetics and cleaning products on live animals

  • testing new drugs, vaccines and surgical techniques on live animals

  • farming animals to make fur coats

  • using intensive farming techniques to obtain cheaper meat products

  • transporting animals thousands of mile before slaughtering them

  • selling exotic animals as pets

1 Can you think of any other activities that animal rights activists find unacceptable?

2 Which of these activities do you think are a) acceptable and necessary b) acceptable in certain circumstances c) totally unacceptable? Explain your reasons. 83


Write an essay “Women’s rights and women’s role in the family in the 19th century”.

Topic 3. Civil rights and liberties


interchangeably– равнозначно, взаимозаменяемо

declare– объявлять, заявлять, называть

provide– обеспечивать, предоставлять

vote– голосовать

elect– избирать, выбирать

overlap– частично совпадать

concern– касаться, иметь отношение

attempt– попытка

equality– равенство

adjust– улаживать, регулировать

resolve– принимать решение, выносить резолюцию

exist– существовать

recognize– признавать

distinguishable– отличимый

inherent- присущий


  1. Answer the following questions:

1) Does the law of your country guarantee civil rights and liberties?

2) What should the individual do if his/her rights are abridged (ограничиваются)?

  1. Can you list any civil rights and liberties?

  1. Form nouns from the following verbs:

  1. declare

  2. provide

  3. elect

  4. resolve

  5. exist

  6. recognize

  7. distinguish

  1. Read the text.

Sometimes they use two terms, civil rights and civil liberties, interchangeably, though their meanings are different.

Civil liberties are freedoms that are guaranteed to the individual. Civil liberties declare what the government cannot do; in contrast, civil rights declare what the government must do or provide.

Civil rights are powers or privileges that are guaranteed to the individual and protected from arbitrary removal at the hands of the government or other individuals. The right to vote and the right to jury trial in criminal cases are civil rights.

Civil rights and liberties overlap with individual rights and liberties, but belong more to the area of social and public interests than do individual rights, which belong mainly to the area of individual interests. They are concerned essentially with what individuals and groups may do within the law, e.g. stand for election to a public authority, rather with what they may exact, e.g. social security. Civil rights may be regarded as attempts to give meaning to the ideal of equality under laws, and civil liberties as flowing from the ideal of freedom.

Civil rights protect certain general human needs and interests, but sometimes conflict with other human needs and interests. These conflicts have to be adjusted and resolved in the courts or by legislation. A civil right or liberty exists only in so far as it is legally recognized and protected, not merely if it is asserted or even proclaimed by a government or political party.

Civil liberties are distinguishable from moral liberty or freedom of the will; from political liberties, such as the right to elect or stand to election; from ‘human rights’ or ‘natural rights’; from economic liberties, such as freedom of contract, trade, competition, of organizing and of striking.; from religious liberties, such as freedom of belief and of worship; and from academic freedom; though there is considerable overlapping, and as law in general protects each of these groups of liberties. Civil liberties were justified by 17th and 18th century philosophers as inherent or inalienable rights. Historically most of them arose by way of successful resistance to kings, harsh employers, unrepresentative parliaments, and the like. 84

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