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4. Fill in the gaps.

1. The ____ must decide if the accused is innocent or _____ .

2. The police were sure the man was a ____, but it would be difficult to ____ it in court.

3. Two months later the defendant was sent to court for ____ .

4. If the accused is convicted of kidnapping, the _____ may be at least ten years in _____ .

5. _____ defend people and present _____ .

6 If you park your car illegally, you will have to pay a _____ .

7. In Britain it is _____ the law to drive a motor vehicle without insurance.

8. Fortunately, it was only a minor ____ and we were not taken to the police station.

9. The _____ sentences people.

10. I have never ____ the law and _____ a crime.

11. Police are allowed to stop anyone in the street and _____ them.

5. Translate from Russian into English.

В список присяжных заседателей включают лица, внесенные в списки избирателей. Присяжные заседатели должны владеть языком, на котором ведется судопроизводство, быть гражданами страны и жителями данного региона.

Не могут быть присяжными люди, которым менее 18 лет и более 65; которые совершили преступления и были приговорены к пяти годам тюремного заключения или более; военнослужащие; судьи, прокуроры, следователи, адвокаты; священнослужители.

Коллегия присяжных заседателей выносит вердикт о виновности подсудимого. Вердикт звучит так: «виновен» или «не виновен».

Присяжные выносят вердикт без постороннего влияния, в специальной совещательной комнате. Руководит совещанием присяжных старшина, который проводит голосование и ведет подсчет голосов.

6. Complete the following text using the words from the box:

The Jury in Britain

criminal offence; acquitted; challenge; civil cases; convicted; disqualified; liable for; ownership of property; randomly; right of appeal; evidence; judiciary; verdict; unanimous; undertake

Trial by jury is an ancient and important feature of English justice. Although it has declined in _______ (except for libel and fraud), it is the main element in criminal trials in the crown court. Jury membership was once linked to the ________ which resulted in male and middle-class dominance. But now most categories of British residents are obliged to _______ jury service when summoned.

Twelve jurors are chosen from a list of some 30 names ________ selected from local electoral registers. They listen to the _______ at the trial and give their verdict on the facts. The verdict can be ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’. Until 1967 the verdict had to be _______. But now the judge will accept a majority verdict, if there are not more than two dissenters.

In Scotland the jury’s verdict may be ‘guilty’, ‘not guilty’ or ‘not proven’. The accused is ________ if either of the last two verdicts is given. No one may be ______ without corroborated evidence from at least two sources.

If the jury acquits the defendant, the prosecution has no ________ and the defendant cannot be tried again for the same offence.

A jury is independent of the ________. Any attempt to interfere with a jury is a _______. Potential jurors are put on a panel before the start of the trial. In England and Wales the prosecution and the defense may _______ individual jurors on the panel, giving reason for doing so. In Scotland they may challenge up to three jurors without reason. In Northern Ireland each defendant has the right to challenge up to 12 potential jurors without giving a reason.

People between the ages of 18 and 70 whose names appear on the electoral register, with certain exceptions, are ______ to jury service. Ineligible people include judges, members of the legal profession or the police, prison, as well as people convicted for certain offences. Anyone who has received a prison sentence of five years or more is ________ for life. 36

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