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4. Complete the sentences.

  1. In _____ capital punishment is carried out by hanging.




  1. The UN supported ________ .

the abolition of capital punishment

the death penalty

execution by lethal injection

  1. In 1987 the American study showed that ______ innocent people were executed in the USA.




  1. In Japan ______ criminals are on death row.




  1. The debate continue about _______ .

the aim of punishment

the conditions in prisons

the age of criminal responsibility

5. Match the verbs with the nouns. Use the phrases in the sentences of your own:

commit death

carry out sentence

make crime

publish mistake

put to execution

reform study

pass problems

discuss criminal

6. Give equivalents to the following:

Смертная казнь через повешение, отменить казнь на электрическом стуле, лишение свободы сроком на 2 года, удерживать от совершения кражи, привести приговор в исполнение, перевоспитывать преступников, возмездие за убийство, вынести смертный приговор, отмена смертельных инъекций, оправдать невиновного, сохранить смертную казнь только для особо тяжких преступлений

7. Write corresponding nouns from the verbs.

To punish, to execute, to abolish, to sentence, to deter, to involve, to compensate, to argue, to publish, to detect

8. Choose one of the words in brackets to complete sentences.

  1. How would you (punish/punishment) somebody for stealing?

  2. Do you support the idea of capital punishment (abolish/abolition) in your country?

  3. I don’t believe that the death penalty deter from (commit/committing) violent crimes.

  4. The criminal was sentenced to one year (imprisonment/imprison).

  5. Some countries do not carry out (execution/execute).

9. Read about the debates concerning capital punishment. Say what points you agree with. Add arguments for and against.

It’s a fundamental debate in democratic countries: how should society punish murderers? Or terrorists? Or kidnappers?

In the past capital punishment was used for many crimes. The Bible, for example, prescribed death for at least 30 crimes.

During the Middle Ages capital punishment was especially popular. Burning alive, hanging, beheading, stoning to death, drawing and quartering were quite common.

Today death penalty is used only for some crimes, most commonly for treason, murder, armed robbery and kidnapping.

People disagree about whether capital punishment is moral or effective in preventing crime. Here are the most often used arguments for and against the death penalty:


  • People who take human life deserve to lose their own lives.

  • Capital punishment prevents crime because people are afraid of the consequences. The fear of death is more effective than the fear of prison.

  • Capital punishment is necessary because there are so many crimes, and prisons cost so much money.

  • Many murderers are mentally ill. If we put them in prison, they can escape and commit another crime.


  • Capital punishment lessens respect for human life.

  • There are other ways of punishing criminals. The fear of the penalty does not help to prevent crime.

  • We can’t always be sure that someone is guilty. People have been sentenced to death and later it was discovered that they were completely innocent.

  • Capital punishment isn’t used fairly. The poor and defenseless are more likely to be executed than the rich and powerful

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