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8. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

Stop Press

Frank Turner, the _________ (ACCUSE) in a trial that has attracted national attention, was today convicted of murder. The police _______ (INVESTIGATE) lasted for a year and during the trial over 100 hours of ______ (EVIDENT) were heard. Turner’s _____ (LAW) had all argued that he was not in the area at the time, but could not provide the necessary ______ (PROVE). Police described Turner as a well-known _______ (THEFT) who was responsible for many ________ (ROB) in the local region. This is not Turner’s first ____ (CONVICT). Seven years ago, he was found guilty of ____ (FORGE) and serves three years in prison. The judge is expected to sentence Turner to a period of ________ (PRISON) later this week.51

9. Read the text below and think of the word which fits best in each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

Identity theft

For three months, Joanna Sugden was the victim of a crime (1) ___ she didn’t even know was being (2) ___ . Joanna had (3) ___ her identity stolen. Someone was going around the UK (4) ___ to be her – forging her signature in (5) ____ to take money out of her bank account, and buying things online with her credit card.

‘If I (6) ___ not checked my credit card bill carefully,’ says Joanna, ‘they might still (7) ___ using my identity and stealing (8) ___ me today. The amount of the bill didn’t (9) ___ any sense to me, so I contacted the credit card company. They started to investigate, and it turned (10) ____ this had been going on for ages. They contacted the police, and the next time the thief tried to take money out of my account, she was arrested and charged (11) ____ theft. (12) ___ I haven’t got all the money that was stolen back yet, I’m hopeful that I will eventually.’52

10. Translate the following text into English:

Швеция прославилась своим гуманным отношением к людям, преступившим закон. Особый интерес вызывают качественно новые подходы к решению задач борьбы с преступностью в рамках исправительных учреждений. В основе альтернативных программ лежит идея, состоящая в том, что преступление порождается обществом. Социальной средой, сформировавшей нарушителя. Преступники становятся таковыми из-за жизненных невзгод, только особо опасных преступников следует заключать в тюрьму – изолировать от общества. В связи с этим в Швеции, стране с высоким уровнем жизни, совершенно иная тенденция борьбы с преступностью: в большинстве случаев мера наказания за совершенные преступления – это не заключение под стражу, а взимание штрафов и пробация, то есть надзор за условно осужденными или досрочно освобожденными. Существует также специальные медицинские учреждения, которые оказывают психологическую помощь нарушителям закона. И построены так называемые промышленные тюрьмы, где заключенные работают в цехах и мастерских.53

11. Discuss the following issues:

  1. Say what kind of punishment should be given for the following crimes. Explain your choice: blackmail, forgery, murder, terrorism, shoplifting

  1. Imagine that you are a member of a parole board (комиссии по помилованию). The prison is overcrowded, and two inmates should be released. Explain your choice:

Alan Jones: Guilty of murdering his wife by slowly poisoning her. Described by neighbors as a kind and gentle person. His children love him. His wife had lots of affairs and pushed him to the limit.

Janet Green: Found guilty of shoplifting for the tenth time. She is a homeless tramp who likes to spend the winter in prison. It is early December and the weather is very cold.

Miranda Morgan: A drug addict guilty of selling heroin to teenagers. Has already tried two unsuccessful drug treatment programs. Has a two year old child who will have to go into care if she goes to jail.

Mick Brown: Guilty of vandalism and football hooliganism. 19 years old and below average intelligence. Aggressive and gets violent when drunk. One previous offence for drunken driving.

Cynthia Carter: English teacher guilty of smuggling her two cats into England. This is against quarantine regulations. The customs officers would like an example to be made of her.54

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