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VIII. Put the words into the right order.

PC's, as, bulk, the, that, non-volatile, serves, medium, hard, disk, a, storage.

Technology, the, first, Seagate, introduced, hard, disk, Seagate, computers, drive, for, personal.

100MB, just, a, the, 1.2GB, average, of, to, size, rose, the, from, few, hard, years, in, disk.

The, of, has, considerably, performance, disk, evolved, fixed, media.

The, for, PC's, the, as, hard, disk, serves, files, repository, user's, a, documents, applications, and.

IX. Ask questions to which the following sentences would be the answers.

1. Most companies offering removable storage devices will claim that they're great for backing up hard disks. 2. In reality, the market they're trying to muscle in on is outside their capabilities. 3. The traditional security backup technology - tape - remains the best choice, and for two very good reasons: capacity and cost. 4. The more inconvenient a security backup regime is to implement, the less likely users are to bother. 5. With the size of the average hard disk now several gigabytes, tape is generally the only media that allows a complete hard disk to be backed-up without needing to swap media during the process. 6. Furthermore, removable storage media is comparatively expensive, with overall costs up to ten times that of tape.

X. Translate into English.

Key words: data medium, flexible, drive, slang, plate, covered, damage,envelope,read-out,disk drive,protection.

Text C


Дискета (Floppy disk) – носій інформації, гнучкий магнітний диск (флопі-диск). Цей вид носія був особливо розповсюджений в 1970-х –початку 2000-х років. Замість терміна «дискета» іноді використовується абревіатура ГМД – «гнучкий магнітний диск». Відповідно, пристрій для роботи з дискетами називається НГМД – «накопичувач на гнучких магнітних дисках», жаргонний варіант – флоп, флопа́к від англ. floppy-disk.

Звичайно дискета являє собою гнучку пластикову пластинку, покриту феромагнітним шаром, звідси англійська назва floppy disk («гнучкий диск»). Ця пластинка міститься в пластмасовому корпусі, що захищає магнітний шар від фізичних ушкоджень. Оболонка буває гнучкою або міцною. Запис і зчитування дискет здійснюється за допомогою спеціального пристрою — дисковода (флопі-дисковода).

Дискети звичайно мають функцію захисту від запису, за допомогою якої можна надати доступ до даних тільки в режимі читання.

Unit 9

I. Read the text and explain the words in bold. Answer the question below.

Text A

Web development as an industry

Since the mid-1990s, web development has been one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In 1995 there were fewer than 10,000 web development companies in the United States alone, but by 2005 there were over 30,000 such companies. The web development industry is expected to grow over 20% by 2010. The growth of this industry is being pushed by large business wishing to sell products and services to their customers and to automate business workflow.

In addition, cost of Web site development has dropped dramatically during this time. Instead of costing tens of thousands of dollars, as was the case for early websites, one can now develop a simple web site for less than a thousand dollars. Smaller Web site development companies are now able to make web design accessible to both smaller companies and individuals. Besides, there are many systems available to the public free of charge. Another contributing factor has been the rise of easy-to-use web development software, like Microsoft FrontPage or Adobe Dreamweaver. Using such software, virtually anyone can develop a Web page in a matter of minutes. Knowledge of HyperText Markup Language (HTML), or other programming languages is not required, but recommended for professional results.

Examples of dramatic transformation in communication and commerce led by web development include e-commerce. Online auction sites such as eBay, online resellers such as Amazon.com and Buy.com have transformed the shopping experience for many consumers. Another good example of transformative communication led by web development is the blog (web log). Web applications such as WordPress have created easily implemented blog environments for individual Web sites.

1. What is the growth of the Web development industry being pushed by?

2. How has cost of Web site development dropped during this time?

3. Is it possible to make web design accessible to both smaller companies and individuals?

4. What is a good example of transformation in communication and commerce?

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