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Англ.мова / Denysiuk computer book.doc
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V. Put all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. As corporations commit more and more mission-critical information to automated systems, electronic storage requirements are increasing dramatically. 2. Imaging, multimedia and other emerging data-intensive applications are major drivers of this growth fuelling the need for better, more cost-effective solutions that deliver higher capacity, increased performance and better data integrity. 3. This has resulted in both a new generation of tape drive technology - such as DLT and the newer 8mm formats such as Mammoth and AIT - and a "robotic" class of tape storage management applications capable of running without operator intervention and with high levels of reliability.

VI. Read and translate the text. Fill in the blanks with suitable Predicates: was entering, had to cost, was charged, was incorporated, released, were tried, had, order to move.

Floppy disk

In 1967, the storage group at IBM's San Jose Laboratories ... ... with developing an inexpensive device to store and ship microcode for mainframe processors and control units. The device ... ... ... under $5, be simple to install and replace, had to be easy to ship and needed unquestionable reliability. Existing technologies - such as the magnetic belts used in dictating machines of the time - ... ... , and rejected. The proposed solution was a completely new technology, the floppy disk.

In 1971 the first incarnation of the floppy disk ... ... into IBM's System 370 mainframe computer. It was a read-only, 8in plastic disk coated with iron oxide, weighing just under 2 oz. and capable of storing about 80KB. A crucial part of its design was its protective enclosure, lined with a nonwoven fabric that continuously wiped the surface of the disk as it rotated to keep it clean.

In 1973, IBM ... a new version of the floppy on its 3740 Data Entry System. This ... a completely different recording format, the motor spun in the opposite direction and the device now boasted read/write capacity and a storage capacity of 256KB. It was then that the floppy disk market took off. In 1976 - at just about the time that personal computing ... ... the scene - the 8in form factor was superseded by the 5.25in floppy. That design eventually gave way to the 3.5in diskette, developed by Sony Corp. in 1981.

Floppy drives are notable for the use of open loop tracking: they don't actually look for the tracks, but simply ... the head ... to the "correct" position. Hard disk drives, on the other hand, have servo motors embedded on the disk which the head uses to verify its position, allowing track densities many hundred times higher than is possible on a floppy disk.

VII. Translate the text into English.

Key words: Hard Disk Drive/HDD, Winchester, storage device, turning off, memory (storage) capacity, kilobyte, to join, inseparable, to read out, composition, consonance, symbol, construction, rotation

Text D

  1. Твердий диск

Тверди́й диск, також вінчестер, жорсткий диск – постійний запам'ятовуючий пристрій ЕОМ. Постійний, означає, що на відміну від оперативної пам'яті, продовжує зберігати дані після вимикання струму.

Перші тверді диски з`явилися на початку 70-х років. Вони мали ємність не більше десятка кілобайтів. У 1973 році фірма IBM випустила жорсткий диск моделі 3340, що вперше об'єднав в одному нероз'ємному корпусі пластини диска й голівки, що зчитують. При його розробці інженери використали коротку внутрішню назву "30-30", що означало два модулі (у максимальному компонуванні) по 30 Мб кожний. Кеннет Хотон, керівник проекту, через співзвучність назви з позначенням популярної мисливської рушниці "Winchester 30-30" запропонував назвати цей диск "вінчестером".

З часом ємність твердого диску виросла в тисячі разів, хоча його будова не дуже змінилась.

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