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Сравнительная степень

1. -er

Oдносложные прилагательные, двухсложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -er, -ly, -e, -w; наречия

2. more/less +

adj, adv

многосложные прилагательные; наречия с суффиксом -ly

e.g. fast + er = faster более быстрый, быстрее

more + correctly = more correctly правильнее, более правильно

less + difficult = less difficult менее трудный

Превосходная степень

1. (the) adj + -est

Oдносложные прилагательные, двухсложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на

-er, -ly, -e, -w и наречия

2. (the) most/the least + adj, adv

наречия с суффиксом -ly и многосложные прилагательные

e.g. + fast + est = fastest самый быстрый, быстрее всего

most + correctly = the most correctly правильнее всего

least + difficult = the least difficult наименее трудный, самый простой

VII. Найдите слово, русский эквивалент которого дан в начале ряда.

1. более близкий: a) close; b) closer; c) the closest; d) closed

2. самый маленький: a) small; b) smallness; c) the smallest; d) smaller

3. выше: a) highs; b) higher; c) the highest; d) high

4. более низкий: a) lower; b) low; c) the lowest; d) lowness

5. самый легкий: a) easier; b) the easiest; c) easiness; d) easy

6. сложный: a) complicated; b) more complicated; c) the most complicated; d) complication

7. самый трудный: a) difficult; b) more difficult; c) the most difficult; d) most difficulties

8. самый нетипичный: a) less typical; b) the least typical; c) the most typical; d) more typical

9. храбрее всех: a) the bravest; b) most bravely; c) braver; d) bravely

10. счастливее: a) happily; b) happier; c) more happily; d) the most happily

Запомните эквиваленты некоторых английских словосочетаний

higher education – высшее образование

upper level – верхний уровень

lower level – нижний уровень

the former – первый (из упомянутых)

the latter – последний (из упомянутых)

VIII. В каждом ряду найдите словосочетание:

a) c прилагательным или наречием в сравнительной степени

1. a) a layer; b) more permanent; c) the most common; d) the server

2. a) the disk controller; b) outer space; c) a thin layer; d) a lower layer

3. a) the common emitter circuit; b) a power amplifier; c) the most powerful computer; d) more detailed local forecasts

4. a) the former computer; b) upper limit; c) laser diode; d) a thicker layer

5. a) more easily installed; b) may easily gain access; c) relatively easy; d) very easy

6. a) other devices; b) under increasing competition; c) supercomputer maker; d) more quickly replaced

b) с прилагательным или наречием в превосходной степени

1. a) most hard disks; b) the hardest materials; c) most materials

2. a) the most heat-resistant materials; b) more computing power; c) most of the electron flow

3. a) smaller electrical circuits; b) the earliest method; c) most research programs

4. a) newer technology; b) most personal computers; c) the nearest telephone switching facility

5. a) ever more powerful microcomputers; b) most notably; c) any person can attest d) most of the advances

6. a) by most definitions; b) mostly mechanical; c) for most computational tasks; d) most widely used

IX. Сравните выделенные слова по форме и значению, установите их сходство и различие и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

1. a) Fast connections to the Web will allow users to download more information.

b) New networks must meet the growing demand for faster transmission speeds.

c) The fastest computes developed are able to perform 10 billion calculations per second.

d) Light travels faster than electricity.

2. a) The most important thing in safety equipment is its dependability.

b) An important feature of this equipment is its weight.

c) More important features of a high level language are its ability to reflect clearly the structure of programs written in it, and its readability.

d) In these countries, students are evaluated according to their performance in individual courses where discussion and written essays figure importantly.

3. a) The latter procedure is much more complicated than the former one.

b) In the later evolution of multichannel fiber transmission systems, two distinct methods of multiplexing data have been introduced.

c) Wi-Fi’s latest version is many times faster than DSL or cable connections.

4. a) Another common artificial intelligence application for multiprocessing was chess.

b) Home burglar alarms, smoke detectors, and automobile alarms are three of the most common types of warning systems that have come into use since the early 1970s.

c) Digital systems are much easier and smaller to design than comparable analogue circuits. This is one of the main reasons why digital systems are more common than analogue.

d) Personal computers are now commonly equipped with dedicated video memory for holding high-resolution bit maps.

5. a) Wide-area networks connect computers and smaller networks to larger networks over greater geographic areas, including different continents.

b) The largest wide-area network is the Internet, a collection of networks and gateways linking millions of computer users on every continent.

c) Organizations that have large amounts of printed information, such as major libraries, universities, and research institutes, are working to transfer their information into databases.

d) Although in principle these were general-purpose computers, they were still largely restricted to doing tough maths problems.

Запомните прилагательные и наречия, которые образуют степени сравнения не по правилу.

bad плохой

badly плохо

worse более плохой, хуже

(the) worst самый плохой, хуже всего

good хороший

well хорошо

better более хороший, лучше

(the) best самый хороший, лучше всего

much/many много

more больше, более

(the) most больше всего

little маленький, мало

less/lesser меньше, менее

(the) least наименьший, меньше всего

at least по крайне мере

late поздний, поздно

later более поздний, позднее

(the) last последний, прошлый

(the) latest самый последний, самый поздний

far далекий, дальний;


farther более отдаленный дальше (о расстоянии)

(the) farthest самый далекий, дальше всего

far далекий, дальний;


further дальнейший, добавочный;

(the) furthest самый дальний, также самый долгий; дальше всего

X. Найдите слово, русский эквивалент которого дан в начале ряда.

1. лучше: a) good; b) better; c) goods; d) the best

2. больше: a) the most; b) more; c) much; d) furthermore

3. самый хороший: a) the best; b) better; c) good; d) much better

4. гораздо больше: a) the most; b) more; c) many; d) much more

5. хуже: a) the worst; b) bad; c) worse; d) badly

6. самый маленький: a) little; b) the least; c) less; d) at least

7. самый далекий: a) far; b) farther; c) the farthest; d) further

8. дальнейший: a) far; b) further; c) the furthest; d) the farthest

XI. Найдите сходство и различие выделенных слов и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

1. a) A less powerful laser reads back the pictures, sound or information.

b) A pure silicon crystal is nearly an insulator – very little electricity will flow through it.

c) This is the least important fact.

d) Every user should know at least something about firewalls.

2. a) Metals tend to be good conductors of electricity because they usually have “free electrons” that can move easily between atoms, and electricity involves the flow of electrons.

b) Users can also get better accuracy with Differential GPS (DGPS), which corrects GPS signals within an average of three to five meters.

c) A router is a piece of computer hardware that determines the best way to connect client and server computers.

d) Their potential for commercial use was well understood.

e) One wireless adapter may perform substantially better than another.

3. a) The later appearance of recordable CDs and DVDs, which can store even greater amounts of data, such as an entire feature-length motion picture on one disc, further increased multimedia capabilities for PCs.

b) They are convinced that they will be able to learn how to use the latest technology.

c) The last experiments gave us much better results than did the previous ones.

d) Pulsars, believed to be rapidly rotating neutron stars, were discovered later in the decade.

4. a) These tiny silicon wafers can each contain hundreds of millions of microscopic electronic components and are designed for many specific operations.

b) Fiber-optic cables carry many times more information than copper wires can.

c) Among the most advanced integrated circuits are the microprocessors, which control everything fromcomputerstocellular phonesto digitalmicrowave ovens.

d) Digital compression technology is more easily adaptable.


most+ (of) существительное

большинство, большая часть

the most+ прилагательное

самый, наиболее

a most+ прилагательное

весьма, исключительно, очень

Most of the models are valid. – Большинство из этих моделей является действующими.

Laser is one of the most sophisticated inventions of man. – Лазер – одно из самых сложных изобретений человека.

This is a most interesting problem. – Это весьма интересная проблема.

Запомните следующие сравнительные конструкции:

  1. as + прилагательное (наречие) в положительной степени + as

2) as + прилагательное (наречие) в положительной степени + as + числительное

1) такой же …как, так же … как

2) равняется, составляет, доходит до

1) This rule is as important as above rule.

Это правило такое же важное, как и вышеупомянутое.

2) Boiling continued for as long as 80 hours.

Кипячение продолжалось 80 часов.

not so +прилагательное (наречие) в положительной степени + as

Не такой … как,

не так … как

Old enterprises were usually not so spacious and well-equipped as new ones.

Старые предприятия обычно не были так просторны и хорошо оборудованы, как новые.

прилагательное (наречие) в сравнительной степени + than


Modern desktop personal computers are many times more powerful than the huge computers of the 1960s and 1970s.

Современные настольные персональные компьютеры во много раз мощнее, чем огромные компьютеры 60-десятых и 70-десятых годов 20 века.

The + прилагательное (наречие) в сравнительной степени … + the + другое прилагательное (наречие) в сравнительной степени


Чем … тем

The farther the grid is from the cathode, the more the plate current.

Чем дальше решетка от катода, тем больше ток анода.

XII. Сравните выделенные слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

1. In the 1970s the first hard disks appeared, with platters as large as four feet in diameter.

2. The largest Web sites already use CDN technology.

3. Thin-film and thick-film ICs are larger than monolithic ICs but smaller than discrete circuits.

4. Individual bits are not stored at any one location, but instead are spread out over a much larger area and mixed in with other bits.

5. In addition, the larger the number of bits used to transmit information, the better the performance – at the cost of a decreased data rate or larger bandwidth.

XIII. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: “Do you expect to use optical computers in the near future?”

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