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VI. Назовите парные и простые союзы, их функцию.

  1. They speed up again as soon as they have passed.

  2. Telecoms applications will soon be bundled together in much the same way as office application suites are today.

  3. But the people who suffer most from the ₤600 million extra in taxes are the pensioners and working people.

  4. These viruses replace either the programs that store information about the disk’s contents or the programs that start the computer.

  5. Google will already run your email and host your documents, and its App Engine lets users run custom applications.

  6. Computers and their many applications bring with them both economic and social changes.

IV. Найдите в тексте задания V. Однокоренное слово к глаголу compute. Назовите другие однокоренные слова к этому глаголу.

V. Прочитайте текст и дайте ему название.

Wireless (Wi-Fi) networks are just like fixed LANs, but instead of using cables, devices are linked by radio waves.

Each computer in a wireless network requires a wireless network interface card (NIC). These can be built in or you can use plug-in adaptors. These allow each component in the network to communicate with a wireless access point (AP) to create a wireless local area network (WLAN). The AP operates like a router in a fixed LAN. It also provides a bridge which plugs into the hub of a fixed LAN allowing both fixed and wireless users to talk to each other. If your LAN is connected to the Internet, the WLAN can also use it. If not, you can connect the WLAN to the Internet via an ADSL or cable modem.

What are the advantages of a wireless network? You don’t need cabling. In older buildings, it can be expensive to install cables and access points. With Wi-Fi, one access point can cover an entire floor or even a building. You can work anywhere within range of the access point. On a sunny day, you could work outside. You can make any room in the house your study. There are now Wi-Fi hotspots in hotels, libraries and airports, so you can link to a network away from home or your office.

There are disadvantages. Fixed LANs can run 1000 Mbps. Wireless networks are much slower and the further you are from an access point, the slower the rate. Other users may be able to intercept your data. Encryption programs like Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) can help.

VI. Прочитайте текст и найдите сложносочиненные предложения. Назовите их признаки.

VII. Переведите второй абзац текста.

VIII. Передайте основное содержание третьего и четвертого абзацев.

3.2. Многофункциональные слова after, before, as, for, since.

Признаки распознавания функций и значений after.


after +

в начале или




= подчинительный coюз - после того, как

C + CK

простое предложение

  1. I found the message after he had left.

  2. After the equipment had been repaired, it was sent away.

2. местоимение,

after + существительное/именное = предлог – после

словосочетание, герундий

  1. The meeting ended after eleven.

  2. They left the laboratory after finishing the experiment.

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